First Wedding Shoots ~ Just Curious


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Ok then..........................I have recently been asked to cover two wedding my some friends.......I have to add that I have declined to either as I feel I neither have the experiance to do, the confidance or the skill. Just because I own a DSLR and can take photos does not mean I can do weddings.

But it did get me to wondering (because I am a woman and nosy).

Those of you who do this type of togging regularly how did you get your first wedding shoots? What was it like etc................. I know everyone has to start somewhere to get that "first experiance".

Now I know there are a lot of post on here from "non-pro wedding togs" doing their first weddings and I know sometimes they get a hard time...................but I am in no way wanting to open up as can of worm as I am just curious as to how peoople go started.
I'm like you, I own a DSLR (2 actually) and can take a picture and because of that I was asked by a friend if I'd shoot her wedding. I initially said no because I didn't think I was up to it but they insisted because they said if I didn't do it then they wouldn't have a photographer at all so I was better than having nothing even if I messed it up. I reluctantly agreed.

I then told a fwe people in work I was doing it and word got about and someone else asked me if I'd do her wedding. Again I declined and recommended she got a professional to do it. She said she was just after something really informal, journalistic style who didn't get in the way of the wedding at all. Again I reluctantly agreed.

I then thought, in for a penny, in for a pound and volunteered for my third wedding and I am getting paid a small nominal fee for it because the B&G feel wrong taking my services for free.

I've not done any of the weddings yet, they are all later this year but if I enjoy them and I'm happy with the results then you never know, it may be something I look to do more of. I'm not looking for a career change as such, I have a well paid job but it would be nice to help out the occasional B&G that need someone low budget that can provide a certainly level of quality. I'm not expecting to get anywhere near full pro level like some of the best on here but I'll do the best I can.
I'm being 2nd/Assistant tog on Saturday for the 3rd time. Doesn't answer any of your questions really but I'm excited :LOL:
I have to admit I am kinda tempted from an experiance point of view...............but I am a huge worrier and constaly be worried the whole day that my shots would not be good enough, hence the reason I turned these people down.

But it is things this that make me interested in how others got started.
My first wedding was one where the couple had got married in Vegas, had a pro tog there. They had a blessing and reception back here. They knew I was into photography and asked me if I'd do it, they weren't going to have a photographer anyway, so there wasn't really any pressure. I done it, the results were okay, the B&G loved them, I saw plenty of room for improvement. I then had the opportunity to do another similar scenario, done it, enjoyed it, noticed improvement on the last one.

I was then asked about a paid job, small registery office then hotel, took me about 1.5 hours, got paid £150, again, B&G delighted with results.

I have now done 6 weddings, with a 5 more booked, all through word of mouth, no advertising at all.

I'm nowhere near the standard of some of the photographers on here, but I'm improving. Whenever someone books me, I am honest, I tell them I am new to this type of photography and I show them examples of my previous work. If someone wants high end award winning photographs, I'll advise them to go somewhere else, but wedding photography is a wide market, whilst some people are happy to pay £1000s for the photography, some people cannot afford that.

I know a lot of people advise that it's best to be a 2nd shooter and gain experience that way, I don't disagree, personally I found that I had the opportunity to try it, and went with it. It's sometimes a bit scary, but mostly a lot of fun!

I got asked to do one for a friend... out of money and could not afford a pro tog, they asked me :) (thanks). They both have said on numerous times that its no pressure, if they get some good shots great, if not no worries.

So I went and got a place as a 2nd tog for the day for a decent photographer a fair distance from me, so that I was not treading on any toes.

I figured it was a great opportunity as it was something I wanted to get into...

We will see how it goes. Have had a few probing emails from some of the people I work with, so probably some dates coming :D

At some point you have to finally say to yourself that you are good enough, you can do this and its not that difficult and just do it! The one thing that you must keep in mind is that most people are used to having their photos taken by friends, with point-n-click cameras, whilst they are unaware, no decent makeup, shaggy clothes as a laugh. To be prep'ed with make up, clothing, scene everything that goes into a wedding, everything is set for a great photo!
I was asked by a friend who had their wedding in Italy. I don't think they were going to bother with a professional otherwise. I worried for about 2 weeks up to the day, and all day that I would mess it up etc. Not shown them the pictures yet, so still a bit nervous!!.

Best advice I could give- see if you can 2nd shoot first, have 2 bodies & an assistant :)
I've got my first wedding shoot this weekend. As lots have said here its for friends who didnt want a pro tog (I did advise them to get one), they are just happy that there will be some photos.

Its something I'd like to get into so its free photos for them and experience for me.

Both excited and nervous, will post pics after the event....... if I'm brave enough :D
I've got my first wedding shoot this weekend. As lots have said here its for friends who didnt want a pro tog (I did advise them to get one), they are just happy that there will be some photos.

Its something I'd like to get into so its free photos for them and experience for me.

Both excited and nervous, will post pics after the event....... if I'm brave enough :D

I am sure it will all gone great for you. (y)
I was asked by a friend who had their wedding in Italy. I don't think they were going to bother with a professional otherwise. I worried for about 2 weeks up to the day, and all day that I would mess it up etc. Not shown them the pictures yet, so still a bit nervous!!.

Best advice I could give- see if you can 2nd shoot first, have 2 bodies & an assistant :)

Like I said I have declined to do both. Although I am seriously worried about my second friends wedding and the photo's she would get. She did initially ask me to do "candid" stuff for the day rather than formal as she has someone else doing that. But this is what worries is one of brothers friends who is going to "hire some equiptment and read up on how to do it".................kinda sends a shudder down my spine.
I shot my first wedding as a favour for a friend, pretty much along the same lines as most of you....short of cash, nothing special wanted etc.
I didnt sleep the night before the first one, was so worried that the photos would be aweful, the fact that the day cant be re-done etc etc.:bonk:

The day went really well, no probs at all, pics all came out except for the cake shot which I managed to blur beautifully !!!!:(
Luckily my son was shooting his 10d alongside me and got a cracking pic, so the day was
I guess at some point even the top togs have done their first one and probably gone through the same feelings and thoughts.:)

After all we all have to start somewhere, I think a lot of prior prep work, checking the venue, asking lots of questions etc will take a lot of the stress and worry from the day.
We are all critical of our own work which is a good thing, that way you will always strive to produce better pics.
Like I said I have declined to do both. Although I am seriously worried about my second friends wedding and the photo's she would get. She did initially ask me to do "candid" stuff for the day rather than formal as she has someone else doing that. But this is what worries is one of brothers friends who is going to "hire some equiptment and read up on how to do it".................kinda sends a shudder down my spine.

uhoh- well if your going, you can take some pictures anyway :)
My first experiences were as a second shooter and I have to say it's hard to beat that as a way in if you can.

But in my experience the issue around being a wedding tog is nothing to do with photography - most people on TP would be able to do that bit.

The hard part is really two totally different areas.

Firstly it's dealing with people who don't want to be in shots or are keener to be at the bar

Secondly and probably the most important - it's dealing with unexpected events, either rain, or harsh light - which you could argue is about shooting experience - or it's kit problems, whether its your camera body failing or the len/body interface causing err 99 issues, or even dropping your main lens (yes I did this at the start of a wedding last week).

When these things happen, what will you do? If you think you know and you think you'll be able to cope then you're ready to be a wedding tog. But if you only have one body and one or two lenses, or you panic at the thought of rain - then you aren't

But back to the main question - second shooter is the best way in - you should be able to borrow kit and they prime tog should be taking the pressure off you
uhoh- well if your going, you can take some pictures anyway :)

I will probably do her candid stuff for her, but only through the fear that she will end up with no good shots otherwise..............................I am looking forward to covering the that I can cope with (y)
My first wedding was for a friend who was the groom. He was getting maried second time around and only wanted a few snaps. I saw that as a great opportunity and produced an album for them they were really delighted with. After a lot of research, practice, attending a training course and a few sleepless nights that is ;)
Weddings 2 and 3 were for the daughters of the bride and groom respectively from wedding 1
Loving this thread - more please!

I too have been asked to be the official unofficial photographer at my mate's wedding - i.e. they've hired a pro, and given me permission to float around taking shots.

Pro has been told that I will be there (doing my very very very best to stay out of his way). He's happy with that.

I'm really looking forward to it!
Its a good thread !!!
I have also since the last one, been and had some training, all I need now is a bit more regarding putting an album together, as thats the one part I havent tried.
I'd declined a few, then one day I decided I was "ready" to do one. This coincided with a mate's sister in law getting married and it was agreed that I would shoot the entire day for £400 incl some prints and a DVD. I didn't have insurance, just a collection of good quality lenses, two bodies, two flashguns, and a reasonable understanding of the wedding day having assisted a good mate who's a full time wedding tog, and we've discussed togging endlessly over countless beers so I had some knowledge (and tips) gained from him. I'd shown the B&G a number of shots I'd taken of people and they felt happy with what they saw.

It went well, they were pleased and so was I. Tremendous pressure, but I loved it. I didn't sleep the night before, I checked my batteries and memory cards eleventy-million times before I got in the car to go. I was bricking it :LOL: it was weird to be called "the photographer" too. I over-shot, I took pics when there wasn't a pic to be taken. I forgot to check my ISO when doing an in-promptu group shot outside in bright sunlight....ISO 1600, f/2.8, 1/8000!! It was recoverable - phew!

That gave me the confidence to do it again. From that first wedding I got 3 further bookings, guests that liked the way I worked, and the pictures I took. Then a website appeared, more bookings came along, the money came in, and I've not looked back. Weddings are very enjoyable days to be involved with.

It's funny, looking back, at how nervous I used to get, whereas now I look forward to weddings, and approach them with anticipation (and most importantly) a smile :) I look forward to the challenge these days, rather than being slightly intimidated by it like I was when I started out.
I think another of my problems with "trying" this sort of photography as is people..............................................give me an aminal or a landscape or some other object to shot and I am fine, but being able to direct peoples to be where you want :thumbsdown: I think it comes down to confideance, which I don't have a lot of.

Maybe one day I will have a go. I know everyone who does it has a first time...just don't think I am ready for that just yet.
Got made redundant after 13 years at the same company, nothing to do with photography. Decided I would give weddings a try, and shot the wedding of the friend of a friend the day after I left work.

To be honest I didn't have a clue what I was doing, hadn't been to a wedding myself for years, let alone seen anyones photos. I even bought myself a new camera, flash and lenses the day before the wedding so I had no experience with those either.

But it all turned out OK, and I'm still here 5 years later :)

Edit : actually I remember I had taken some snaps at a friends wedding the previous year, which they prefered to the main guy's, maybe that's what spurred me on, can't recall ...
I'm not a pro wedding tog nor really advertise myself as one despite friends who are a couple-to-be liking the photos and insisting I shoot their weddings.

I haven't bee fortunate enough / bold enough to volunteer as a second shooter yet - would love the opportunity (y)

However, I have shot two weddings for friends. The first one didn't have a pro tog. It was the proud father of the bride taking photos, and I took some more "from the back". Learnt a lot, and found it strangely addictive :D Similar to DDP, did have a few :eek: moments afterwards, particularly because I didn't know about FP flash mode and kept on scratching my head why photos kept being taken at 1/250th when I manually exposed at 1/1000th ;)

The second wedding was for my parner's cousin. They had hired a pro tog and I asked if he was happy me shooting on the side, and it was fine. In fact, I really enjoyed all the candid shots the main tog doesn't get so much because he's busy with the formals (he didn't have an assistant).

In the end, I printed a load off and several 18x12 format for the parents and B&G and they're delighted and admitted they preferred my style to the pro's.

Bottom line, whilst you may be bricking it, I found it really enjoyable on the day and am looking forward to my next one for a cousin of mine getting married. I've already checked and they don't have a pro tog who's toes I'd be stepping on, so I'm gonna do it and enjoy it. Now, just need to pick up a 70-200/2.8 vr before I go :LOL:
I was dragged into my first a few years ago, my cousin wanted a really quiet day with very little family there and as we got on she wanted me there, so to get over the entire treading on toes thing she asked me to do the pics hence I was not just a guest, I think I felt ill with worry for weeks up to the day, it turned out ok and the B+G loved the pics, I didnt lol

then because I did that I got dragged into doing my Fiancees mums wedding again very nervous and worried again B+G very happy, I liked a few of them.

The worst thing on the second wedding was that the wedding breakfast/reception was at a restaurant where there was another massive wedding so no real option to get any relaxed group photos and a lot of older people so only very awkward posed group shots that nobody really had the time for (really annoyed me but hey)

all in all the second time was much better but I think in future I would much prefer to shoot as a second a few times to get to grips a bit more!

by the way is the wedding on Sheppey? grew up there so being nosey :)
I assisted a couple of times then replied to an advert for a student photographer to take the photographers at a photographers wedding. It was a very small affair and they only wanted me for a couple of hours so it was quite a gentle start.

Still early days for me though, I've done a few more weddings by myself, still assisting here and there and I've got a few more bookings later this year. :)

by the way is the wedding on Sheppey? grew up there so being nosey :)

Nope, the first is being held at a registery office in Sittingbourne, the second I am not sure as I haven't asked, but I am guess it will be fairly local.

So a true Sheppy person, complete with webbing's ;) ????
Where abouts did you grow up? My turn to be nosy :D
I have to say it has been great reading through peoples first experiances and how people are feeling about up and coming firsts.

I am see I am not alone in the way that I felt when asked to them. I am still not sure which way to go with what I have been asked. I mean it is such a bit thing seing as it is a "one off" shoot.

The first couple are still very instant that they want me to do their pics, despite the fact that I have told them I have never done a wedding in my life and that my confidence if to of the highest level. But they tell me they have faith in my skill, which in a way is a nice confidence boost.
My first wedding was about 20 years ago and I went as assistant to a pro,after I had been with him for about 6 weddings he started to let me go solo on smaller coverage weddings.I think you have made the correct decision but what you might want to do at this wedding is to take some shots yourself without getting in the way of the tog to see if you have an aptitude for weddings
My first wedding was about 20 years ago and I went as assistant to a pro,after I had been with him for about 6 weddings he started to let me go solo on smaller coverage weddings.I think you have made the correct decision but what you might want to do at this wedding is to take some shots yourself without getting in the way of the tog to see if you have an aptitude for weddings

Good advice. That is easy for the second one. I don't mind doing the casual candid stuff. But the first I think is going to take a little more pursading that they need a pro.
Nope, the first is being held at a registery office in Sittingbourne, the second I am not sure as I haven't asked, but I am guess it will be fairly local.

So a true Sheppy person, complete with webbing's ;) ????
Where abouts did you grow up? My turn to be nosy :D

Born Minster Hospital, lived in Invicta Road for first 10 years of me life then Scrapsgate for 8, then London, Reading, now Swindon (all with work) It is starting to be a bit of a treck back now!! cant move any further west :)
Born Minster Hospital, lived in Invicta Road for first 10 years of me life then Scrapsgate for 8, then London, Reading, now Swindon (all with work) It is starting to be a bit of a treck back now!! cant move any further west :)

haha, born minster hospital so ditto. Live in Minster along the Broadway so just up the road from Scrapsgate :D
I offered my services out for free - with the caveat that the couple were not choosing me over paying a professional (i.e. they were not planning to have a photographer at all). I got 5 bookings this way before having to retract the offer due to overwhelming interest. So far I have actually carried out one and have the second one in a few days.

I gain experience + some material for a portfolio (and perhaps even some print or album sales - we'll see), they get images on DVD that they otherwise wouldnt have got.

I did try asking around for some assisting roles - but there dont seem to be many opportunities. In the end I thought - "what the hell" and jumped in with both feet.
Got my first wedding in october panicking already, what piece of advice would you say was invaluable.
B&g not after much but still want it to be good,which shots should not be missed..
in my experience, they expect the usual shots - getting ready, arrival, ceremony and group shots, but what usually gets the bride crying is the romantic ones of just the couple. so try and drag them off - it only needs to be for about 10 minutes, but is time well spent