First wedding!



I am still preparing for my first wedding in September, so used a family wedding as an opportunity to practice. Now bearing in mind I could not dedicate myself to the event fully as I was chasing around my 2 & 4 yr old I would love some comments! The full set of 74 pictures is here and below are a few...

Good honest critiques please!



hey ive only looked at the three on this page, soo ill just leave a couple of comments for them, for the first, id say that if you had just a wider lens to get in the whole of the window it may have a 'grander- feel to it if you get what i mean, and if you cropped it much closer in to just have thebride and groom and a bit of a margin then maybe it would focus the attention a little more, atm for me its just a bit in the middle, so either wider or more cropped would be better IMO.

For some reason the second pic wont show up, so for the third youve caught quite a nice moment there, maybe adding a little fill flash in your RAW processor would bring out the details in the bride and groom's faces more (assuming you took RAW files), apart from that pretty damn good :)

edit, didnt notice the second post with more pics,

4) againt a bit more fill light, and unless you intensionally done it you've missed focus on the shot.

5)again a lil fill light to brighten up the bride's face and grooms suit, and reduce the exposure level or use recovery or burn the highlights on the grooms face that has the sun hitting it

6) Nailed it i'd say not much more to be done if anything IMO

7)Good apart from the camera shake i'd say!
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1) Not bad. Dress looks a little blown out and the chap standing to the right distracts quite a bit. A tighter crop might help.

2) Confetti shot. The shadows could do with a lift in PP.

3) Soft :(

4) Exposure issues and him holding the glass makes it look like a typical guest shot. Get the groom to lower any glasses or put it down altogether ideally. Glass on the wall behind.

5) Nice - great expression

6) Would be a good shot to show more of the venue but the motion blur spoils it for me.

HTH :)
Thanks there are some really useful comments so far, for info, I was only using a Canon EOS 350D with the 50mm f1.8 and the sigma 105mm f2.8 for these shots...

So, no 1 either go wider or narrower than it is so far?

Agree the confetti could do with being brighter, fair point!

Next one is a bit soft, but capture "a moment" so thought not to bin it!

The one on the terrace was a snatched couple of shots - no one noticed the photoshop work where I had to superimpose the grooms head - so thats good! Good advice re the glass - cheers!

I liked the first dance one too!!!

The last one here, I had no tripod it was taken by chance and next time I would have been a little more sober too.. but like the movement myself (just not in the building!)

Thanks for the comments keep em coming!
1. Lacks a sense of scale, shoot that wider

2. Far too close a crop (no doubt having an 8omm FOV lens as your widest). It's also underexposed

3. Bin it. It's out of focus and looks it, moment or not. Also horribly underexposed.

4. The light is bad here, really harsh, and again it's not a keeper.

5. Shoot that sort of shot landscape and get some context - where are the guests?

6. Again, not a keeper. Looks amateur.

I'd spend some time looking at really strong wedding photography and seeing why it works, and spend some time mastering composition and your camera.
1. Lacks a sense of scale, shoot that wider

2. Far too close a crop (no doubt having an 8omm FOV lens as your widest). It's also underexposed

3. Bin it. It's out of focus and looks it, moment or not. Also horribly underexposed.

4. The light is bad here, really harsh, and again it's not a keeper.

5. Shoot that sort of shot landscape and get some context - where are the guests?

6. Again, not a keeper. Looks amateur.

I'd spend some time looking at really strong wedding photography and seeing why it works, and spend some time mastering composition and your camera.

Firstly thanks for commenting twice - must have felt strongly about my shots ;).

Useful hint try and get guests in the first dance shots if shooting landscape, thanks. Use a wider angle shot for the church aisle shot to get more context (y). Moment or not, if its out of focus get rid. Thanks for the pointers!
i love that second shot, ive got my first wedding to do in under 2 months, im nervous already
Hi not sure what flash equipment you've got at your disposal but i echo the fill in advice even if it's with the pop up outside for close shots

Be prepared to bump up the ISO to cope with the camera shake issues if your camera's sensor is good enough to do it. Personally i'd much rather have a pin sharp albeit noisey or grainy photograph than one with lower ISO at the risk of having camera shake and an unsharp shot.

Second shot in second of your posts be aware of hands in photos, make sure the groom always has his hands out of the shot rather than "clawing" round like that, i always tell the groom to keep his hand as close to the brides bum as possible - jokingly of course :)
i love that second shot, ive got my first wedding to do in under 2 months, im nervous already

Thanks for that (y) I have just shown the series of shots taken to the Bride for september and she is happy with them and the standard I am currently at - horses for courses really!

Check out Aleksandras post for stunning shots and ideas....

Ay yes - beautiful work!


Hi not sure what flash equipment you've got at your disposal but i echo the fill in advice even if it's with the pop up outside for close shots

Be prepared to bump up the ISO to cope with the camera shake issues if your camera's sensor is good enough to do it. Personally i'd much rather have a pin sharp albeit noisey or grainy photograph than one with lower ISO at the risk of having camera shake and an unsharp shot.

Second shot in second of your posts be aware of hands in photos, make sure the groom always has his hands out of the shot rather than "clawing" round like that, i always tell the groom to keep his hand as close to the brides bum as possible - jokingly of course :)

Thanks some good advice - re the hand! I am much more comfortable with non flash at present but practising (its the only way to improve). Problem with the EOS 350D it does get very noisy over ISO 400, but could always do the B&W conversion I guess!
I like the second one, the third one looks poor though (IQ wise) is it high iso or a really hard crop? Try as much as you can to get the crop you want in camera rather than rely on cropping afterwards if that's the case.
When you say your first wedding do you mean a paid professional job or a freebie for a friend or family?? as my advice will vary..
NO cash changed hands! I agree if it was being charged I would expect some serious critique! IT was simply my first real attempt at wedding pics before I have at one in september (still free!)!