Fish Tank Photography

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I've kept fish for a long time, but never really been able to get good photos of them.

I'm assuming a macro lens would make my life much easier, but as I have little interest in other macro photography it seems a waste to buy a lens just for this.

Any tips?
main difficulty would seem to be stopping them swimming about unless you rack up the iso or add additional lighting they will be blurred.
just put your lens close up against the glass, makes sure glass is clean, and start shooting, see what you get and then you'll know more clearly what you need i terms of equipment
This was discussed a few months ago, may I suggest a search
I'll come in with a little bit of advise, although not a fish tank at the TP meet at Stratford butterfly farm I shot a couple of images of Spiders through dirty glass, to do this I used my flashgun directed at the tank and a polarizing filter fitted and I was quite pleased with the results, I would think that this would also work for a fish tank

here's the two that I shot

This was the glass was relativly clean

This one the glass was covered in cobweb

also read some were else clean the glass and knock off all the pumps in the tank let it settle and away you go