Flamborough Corn

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I've made myself a challenge to just shoot black and white for as long as i can, i love it way better than colour, This is the first shot from flamborough that i have converted to black and white.

Whats your opinions?
I quite like that

I don't think its perfect, bit bright in the middle and the dust bunny annoy's me I am afraid.

Nearly there but not quite(y)
Thanks for the comment, Could i ask what a Dust Bunny is haha!?
I'm finding the bit on the right of the clump a distraction... the sort of blurry line thing. What is it? Bit of fence?

Dust bunny = not this unless your sensor is very dirty, but these.
Thanks for the comment, Could i ask what a Dust Bunny is haha!?

A dust bunny is aspeck of dirt or dust on the sensor or kens. Just above the ear of corn to the left of the pic(y)