Flamborough Head

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Beautiful colours, great atmosphere..... the only thing for me and I'm not sure if its my monitor but it seems to lose a bit of definition bottom right of the pikkie. Its very dark in that corner and you lose the transition between sea and sky a little. Still a great shot though.
you've captured some great colours in there and it has a great moody feel to it, but I agree with Boo about the bottom right of the picture. I do like it though :)
Yeah, I agree. To me the whole right hand side of the image looks dark. It's just the way the light was. In hindsight I might return to it in Photoshop and see what I can do :)
Lovely shot Ribby, as per usual. This one is just a tad too saturated for me, but it's an excellent shot. You should be able to raise the contrast on that right hand side with a feathered mask, but I do think it looks natural enough compared to where the sun is in the sky.
Great shot ribby, the only thing I can find wrong with this shot (and what do I know) I would have liked to have seen a little more shore line or none at all.
Just my opinion tho, cracking shot all the same.:thumb:
It is a good shot Ribby - slightly too pink for me too but the rest works well.

Would agree with Gary about the shoreline ... as little as it is makes it the more distracting ... imo !
