Flamingo's, Flamingo's, Flamingo's & even More Flamingo's.

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Whilst taking some photos near a water/lake with a Thunder storm fast approaching, these Flamingos must have got spooked by a loud clap of thunder. They kept flying round & round, here & there for some 20 minutes before I decided it was time to go with the storm very close.
C&C welcome.


3. The Red Arrows have nothing on these.

4. I noticed a couple of Grey ones, are they youngsters or a diferent variety.

5. G. Force.

6. They flew towards the Thunder cloud then turned showing the Pink against the Black of the cloud.

Thanks for looking.
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Pablo these are beautiful, we are now in the heart of the storms down at Cuesada and can not even get out of the drive as the water is 10" deep !!
We had bad weather the last 10 days we were there, these were taken on one of those days, but it sounds worse now. I hope the weather gets better for you & you can get down the Irish Bar in Cuesada.;)
those are amazing, personally I would not crop as much as oyu have on a couple and just shoot wide to really get a feeling of this amazing spectacle.
those are amazing, personally I would not crop as much as oyu have on a couple and just shoot wide to really get a feeling of this amazing spectacle.

Thaks for your reply. I took many shots of the Flamingos flying & cropped a few on here to show certain aspects, but it's hardly worth putting on more or uncropped photos if no more than 2 people can't be bothered to answer to these unusual photos of Flamingos flying.
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Thaks for your reply. I took many shots of the Flamingos flying & cropped a few on here to show certain aspects, but it's hardly worth putting on more or uncropped photos if no more than 2 people can't be bothered to answer to these unusual photos of Flamingos flying.

Sorry mate :) they are lovely birds and your shots are quite stunning.

I'm afraid it's like pulling teeth to get a comment on here sometimes.

Thanks for showing something different :clap:
Thaks for your reply. I took many shots of the Flamingos flying & cropped a few on here to show certain aspects, but it's hardly worth putting on more or uncropped photos if no more than 2 people can't be bothered to answer to these unusual photos of Flamingos flying.

Pablo missed these first time up, they are spectacular, love them (y)

Sometimes that many threads appear on here, yours can plummet down the front page, I have posted images in the past and only received a few replies, it means nothing, you should not let it deter you from posting more.

I really like number 3 (y)
wow, that must have been a great sight, photos are lovely too (y)
Sorry mate :) they are lovely birds and your shots are quite stunning.

I'm afraid it's like pulling teeth to get a comment on here sometimes.

Thanks for showing something different :clap:

Pablo missed these first time up, they are spectacular, love them (y)

Sometimes that many threads appear on here, yours can plummet down the front page, I have posted images in the past and only received a few replies, it means nothing, you should not let it deter you from posting more.

I really like number 3 (y)

wow, that must have been a great sight, photos are lovely too (y)

Thanks for your thoughts.

Here are a few more of a Flock of Flying Flamingos.



