Flash Action on Film!!

Matt Thomas
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Two shots from a little tour I've just done around the UK for a week. Both shot a my good old Bronica SQ-A on some nice slide film.......

Number 1 -


Number 2

Great pics, really love the second one for its composition and lighting.

With the first i would of liked some light on the skaters back as well but i do like the rim lighting on him.
2nd one for me - I really like the sky/clouds. The whole, I think, can cope with cropping (bottom and left)
Cropping on a 6x6 film shot :O haha

Thanks for the feedback guys. About getting some light on his back, the Polaroid test shot was so rubbish I couldn't tell where the light was hitting, therefore just had to shoot it blind!! Mad times :)
These are awesome. Just had a browse through your site, really like your photos. I really want to try shooting skating!
Cheers Paul

I'm currently rebuilding my website so watch out for that.

Skateboard photography is quite a hard thing to get right really as it's all about timing as some tricks don't look right timed wrong.
Nice Shots!! Do you set-up and test exposures/flash power on digital first and then shoot on film?

Nope :nuts: I'm crazy!!

I just use my lightmeter to get an ambient light reading. Then I'll meter the flashes to see what power output I'm getting, trying to overpower the ambient. Get ready to shoot and POW.........fire off some film!!

I used to do polaroid test shots but I've ran out of polaroid for my Bronica, plus I can't be bothered to buy any more :LOL:
I have to agree with Tyler, I really like the second shot but the first is let down a little by the lighting.
Cheers Paul

I'm currently rebuilding my website so watch out for that.

Skateboard photography is quite a hard thing to get right really as it's all about timing as some tricks don't look right timed wrong.

Ah cool, I'll keep my eye on it.

Yeah, I skated for around 10 years and was always fascinated by the photography, fancy being behind the camera these days. How did you start with it? I don't even know anyone local who skates now!
I have to agree with Tyler, I really like the second shot but the first is let down a little by the lighting.

The 1st had to rush a little as a massive rain storm was coming :( I couldn't have a light any more on the left side as thats a train track and didn't like the idea of getting my flash smashed!! haha

Cheers for all the comments guys