Fleur's 52s: Will not be beaten by 52s: 15 added! Index post 1

Fleur...THATS quite a catch up... but worth waiting for !!!!!!

Love Work.. love the mono.. the perspective of the hay bale to the tractor. love those sort of shots.

Record is implied..and i think thats thinking laterally.... its a record deck not a washing up sink... the brand name gives it away... well thought of..even if by accident (y)

i love both animal shots... dogs can be awkward as so full of energy..but great pose and sharpness from what i can see.. your cat..love cats... looking very content.. beautiful..

Wind has some lovely blurred tips on the turbine...and capturing the low angle gives it a distorted sense of size... is it really only as tall as the grass..or is that just tall grass?

..and as for evolution and rescue... love the attention to detail.. Rescue..central and
off white with blue skies...brilliant for me.. the former, great idea.. i saw rock formations just yesterday and marvelled at how they were formed...not just in the last few hours.. but over thousands of years... and yes, what might have been contained in there as a permanent record of the earth's very own evolution.

I will not be beaten by the 52s :0) heres the most ridiculous catch up, have two left to do (glass and weave), and a massive 4 days to do it in, in the meantime, heres 15 pics which will be in three posts due to the posting limit

Week 36 : Time

Week 37 : Mix

Week 38 : Fun

Week 39 : Volume

Week 40 : Explode

Week 41 : Rapid
Week 43 : Abstract

Week 44 : Pair

Week 45 : Safe

Week 46 : Living

Week 47 : Light

Week 48 : Cute
And here comes Dark Horse in the final furlong pipping many others in the race at the final post! Blimey Fleur, it's been a while since your 52 thread pops up and when it does you have filled it with crackers.

My favorites are rapid, safe, light and weather weather.

So where is week 52, you going to keep us waiting?
Either way, well done for the mammoth catch up.
Hiya Fleur

Wow!!! Well done to you on the speedy catch up. I was hoping you had not given up so was well pleased to see your update.

Week 36 - Time: What a fantastic find for the theme and a great shot too. Lovely DOF and the photo definitely says 'time' (y)

Week 37 - Mix: Fantastic colours and a great idea for the theme too.

Week 38 - Fun: :LOL: it looks like the horse is laughing .... and it makes for a great fun shot too.

Week 39 - Volume: Great mono shot, although whites look a tad over exposed. But a lovely sharp photo.

Week 40 - Explode: Wow what a demolition that is and guess it fits the theme well.

Week 41 - Rapid: Great capture, just a pity you've clipped the tail on the left.

Week 42 - Weave: missing :shrug:

Week 43 - Abstract: Love the purple colour and great DOF.

Week 44 - Pair: Excellent shot, sharp, great DOF and nice catchlight in the eye.

Week 45 - Safe: Well done on capturing such a great shot of the helicopter hovering. Once again excellent DOF.

Week 46 - Living: :thinking: a different take on the theme, but I see where you are going with this one. Great colours and you definitely have the hang of getting a great DOF.

Week 47 - Light: Another fantastic photo and on theme.

Week 48 - Cute: Indeed very cute, lovely composition and this would have also made a great photo for Trio :D

Week 49 -Talk: :LOL: that is a classic shot, well captured and great control of exposure.

Week 50 - Weather: Wow what a stunning photo, the sky looks like it is fire. Reminds me of the saying 'Red skies at night a shepherd's delight, Red skies in the morning a shepherd's warning'. Well done!

Week 51 - Nature: Lovely colours

Looking forward to seeing your last photo.

An excellent project and well done .... all your hard work has paid off.

It has been great to have you on our team and thank you for all your support, comments and feedback on my Photo52.

All the best for 2012

Take care, and please keep in contact.


Dawn x
And here comes Dark Horse in the final furlong pipping many others in the race at the final post! Blimey Fleur, it's been a while since your 52 thread pops up and when it does you have filled it with crackers.

i concur with young neil here... Fleur you rocket from the back with such odds that make the risk taker a millionaire for betting on you bringing in the good stuff... i love Living (reminds me of a Cliff Richard song, i remember when he released it the first time :naughty:)..i adore Pair (i'm sure she's giving me the eye there)... i'm blown away with Explode, and enlightened by Light...

you have posted some cracking shots there as a mega catch up. Fun.. :D
Ah thanks guys for your lovely comments, youre all so kind, and its been brill to do this project with you all this year. Cannot believe my first year with camera is drawing to an end, I have grown to love it more than I thought possible, and have learned so much doing the 52 project, I was determined to finish it! So here we are

So my final two...Ran out of time, ideas and light, last day I could be out with camera to complete this project, first one is from the Thomas Hardy memorial window at St Juliots Church nr Boscastle. Not thrilled with it, horrid dull day, had to be max ISO and 1.8 to even get this, but hey ho, job done



And my final picture taken for the 52s...Weave

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