Flickr and full image details missing

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Up until a short time ago when I posted an image to Flickr it would show full details such as the camera type, lens, location etc. Now it only shows the barest of details, file size etc.
I've checked my privacy details in Flickr and the "not show exif" box is still unchecked, also I've looked at my photo application, DXO Photolab3, and I can't find anything there.
Could it be something in my camera settings? I'm using a Sony A9.
I dont use Flickr or DXO but I'd guess and it's more likely DXO is using it's version of save for web which strips some metadata out? Hopefull someone who does use it will be more helpful.
Not something to do with the new layout is it?
Flickr > Settings > Privacy & Permissions > Hide your exif data?
What is your setting?
Iv'e had a browse through some of your images on Flickr and it's been going on and off for a while which suggests it's one of your processing apps that's stripping the metadata.
Sorry, I've negligently missed these replies.
I think it's different now between pro and free accounts.
I have a pro account.
I've had a browse through some of your images on Flickr and it's been going on and off for a while which suggests it's one of your processing apps that's stripping the metadata.
When I save an image after processing I always allow exif date to be kept.
I can't view Flickr photos if I click the image via this site
Do you mean my Flickr link or everybody elses?
Sorry, I've negligently missed these replies.

I have a pro account.

When I save an image after processing I always allow exif date to be kept.

Do you mean my Flickr link or everybody elses?
When I click on an image on this site, only a black page appears with the icons you display. Swiping the line displays the icons and another black page. This has only happened in the last couple of weeks.

Seems to be Chrome as DD works fine.
Flickr just responded and they're aware of the issue for a number of users
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