Flickr help needed

Edit My Images
I took the plunge on a 2 year deal and am now trying to make an album , I have 48 images I want to put in the album but being a numpty do you think I can do it !!!! No I can't.I can only drag 1 image at a time , If I try draging 5 images then let go of the mouse pointer the images go back into my images not into the album.
HELP it's driving me mad :headbang:
You using win or Mac?
From the home page, select "Organise" from the "You" menu, then selected the images you want at the bottom, drag them up to edit as a batch, and move them to your new album.
If you are uploading from Lightroom, you can use a Flickr plugin so that you can manage your albums in Lightroom and sync them to Flickr, which is how I usually manage mine.
If you are uploading from Lightroom, you can use a Flickr plugin so that you can manage your albums in Lightroom and sync them to Flickr, which is how I usually manage mine.
I don't manipulate my images in these hokus pokus packages :eek:
Allen did you get a discount for it? I waited for the holidays figuring there would be a black friday or christmas special and it never came. I'm reaching the limit to my free account and figure it's the best online deal to back up too. I also wrote them asking about the holiday's, so we'll see
If you are uploading from Lightroom, you can use a Flickr plugin so that you can manage your albums in Lightroom and sync them to Flickr, which is how I usually manage mine.
Hey another Lewis. I got a question. If I join flickr and get the plugin for lightroom will I be able to just upload my entire photo collection and keep the file structure? Meaning would it create album for each of my folders. Say waterfalls, family, smokey mts, if that was my file structure.
Allen did you get a discount for it? I waited for the holidays figuring there would be a black friday or christmas special and it never came. I'm reaching the limit to my free account and figure it's the best online deal to back up too. I also wrote them asking about the holiday's, so we'll see
I sent them a email asking for a discount code , They replied about 4 days later with the code , Came down from £111.00 to £70.00 ish
Hi Lewis.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work like that. At least not automatically.

You have a separate set of collections, which can be linked to albums (and/or groups) in Flickr. Or you can just drop them in the photostream.1704486044593.png