Flickr question

Edit My Images
I'm asking this question purely out of interest. I post my favourite pictures on Flickr, mainly for friends and family to have a look. Having uploaded some photos last week I have one of the set that has seen over 100 views in a few days.
Has anyone any idea where these views might be coming from? Seems strange that there should be so many views on just one photo and only a couple on the rest of the set. I have other photos with lots of views but this is because I've shared the link somewhere. Is there any way to see where traffic is coming from like on Youtube? My inquisitive side wants to know!


You could always do a google image search for your image - its possible someone has linked to your image from elsewhere and thats how it has accumulated the views?
Did you add the photos to a Flickr group? Sometimes that can increase views of a particular image.

Also, if a friend has facebooked or twittered your image, that might be the reason too.
Check your Flickr statistics for the activity on that photo. That'll give you an idea of where most of the views are coming from.
Thanks for the replies. It doesn't seem anyone has shared the image. I no longer have a Pro subscription since bt's split with Yahoo so have limited access to statistics! It remains a mystery, but for now I'll just take it as a compliment!
I had one photo i took at a gig that got way more hits than the rest of the photos in the set, and it was of a double bass player, not the main guy I was shooting the gig off, i did the best investigation i could to try and find out more but couldnt find the source. i could only think he had his own fan base and someone shared it but i couldnt gind any evidence - it still really bugs me!
Has anyone any idea where these views might be coming from?
Probably being picked up on searches for any tags/text you've placed alongside the image, or any groups it's in, or spillover from an image you have promoted/shared and viewers of that image are finding this image and having a look.

Text in tags, descriptions and titles is all searchable and picked up by Google.
I had this happen to me. I can't remember the name of the website but it was a site that linked to sample images from different kit/lens combinations. I would think it's something along similar lines. Probably a combination of tags and exit data.