Focus on imaging 2012

And the herd of togs were trying to get the same shot I suppose: I do hope you had a really big back-pack on :wacky:
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And the herd of togs were trying to get the same shot I suppose: I do hope you had a really big back-pack on :wacky:

Haha amen.

Focus makes me want to do this :bonk: Why do loads of sad middle aged men need to wonder about with camera bags full of junk at a camera exhibition?
Got a couple of her before the herds descended as well. Great model.

Took 5/6 shots and got surrounded and bumped around so went and chatted to the guy on stand instead, far more interesting.
Cheers for the comments, there is some skin smoothing but as said her skin was smooth already.
what I dont get is if you go to a camera show that has stall and stalls to buy evey gadget needed for photography then why take every bit of kit you own? :bonk:
Im all for grabbing a few shots of the models whilst looking round (or even listening to the guys on the stalls) but there are people there getting hundreds of shots ??? I dont get it are they thinking they can pad out their portfolio:shrug:
I remember going to a Motorcycle show at the NEC a few years ago. In the carpark, a van parked up and three guys got out, spent time putting on their leathers and boots, then waddled off to the show carrying crash helmets as well. What's that all about ?