Focusing with a xxD

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I'm trialing the 60D at the moment and wonder if you have any tips for getting the focus right where the background is a little busy?

I know they can be good and some of the shots I've taken in the last few days have been my best but yesterday I was out on a cloudy day with the 100-400 and had very few keepers even only a couple with birds on a feeder!

Any tips would be gratefully received.

If you need them take a look at my Flickr (pics from yesterday not up yet) but the ones over the last couple of days are all from the 60D, if you want some more I'm nipping out just now to kingsmill reservoir (never been there before) but will try again today.

If I recall the BIF shots were all nine points (as I read that was best for BIF), but others single point.

Hmn, its pretty good but doesn't seem to get focus as quickly as the 7D, nor keep hold of it that well. Now it could be my technique which is why I'm unsure and in fact is the only think holding me back from getting rid of the 7D at the moment.
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