For the time!

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I'd be really interested in your views on this shot folks. It's a tight crop and their is some noise but I quite like the gritty feel that gives the shot. I can't decide on the composition, I like the fact the dead space actually conveys the speed he was going, but I'm not sure that there isn't too much.
Well that's my thoughts feel free to rip it apart(y)

i like it, it shows speed, and gives it a hard man kinda look like he is dirty from a days riding :D
Very nice. I like the grittiness and intensity. And as nitpicky as it sounds, this is a shot that might have looked pretty cool if it were taken at a slight angle - like the guy was pedaling uphill or something - or maybe even downhill. Great shot!
Thanks for the comments guys. I can reprocess it and put an angle in.
Anymore for anymore? Just to say on my work monitor all the space to the left is completely black. If this is what you are seeing too then can you let me know, especially if you have a calibrated monitor.


I like the composition, wonder if you've de-saturated it too much though.

I think you may get a better sense of speed if you up the background brightness
Thanks Phobic, I'll have a play with that and see what it looks like.
I see some movement in the dead area on my calibrated monitor.

A shot doesn't always have to be perfect to be interesting.

Thanks for the comments... is this better?

Not a lot different I know, but slightly brighter b/g.

I like what you've done with the adjusted version.
The hint of motion in the background makes it come alive.
Thanks Englishman and welcome to TP.:wave:
Have to say I prefer the original version. The dead space works very well and focuses the eye on the subject more. Overall I like it and I think the noise helps with the mood of the shot as do the muted tones. Stick with what you like, for me it seems to working.