Forever Autumn

nice light rays and colouring.

plenty of detail to look at

can't find anything to fault it....................
Lovely shot Adrian, good comp', great light, and some really nice colours.(y)

Is that up near Cowleaze?

I do like the way light and shade have given a real depth to the image, and there's enough going on in an attractive way for none of the space to be completely negative.
Justin Haywood(y) followed the Moody Blues since the late 60's
Anyhow yes nice shot, I've noticed in a lot of places the leaves haven't quite turned, they say because of the lack of frosts and the weather leading up to winter. Love the beams of light and the dappled light on the woodland floor and leaves. Let's hope it lasts a little longer before the wind takes all the leaves.
Nice work
Excellent composition Adrian wee bit of sunlight just creeping through yep like it.
That is a lovely shot, excellent positioning and framing of the light.
I also have a thing about looking through things and this is good.
I like the shaft of light in the centre and how it illuminates the foreground autumn colours. Good shot.
Yes that's the one worth a visit at the moment

that's epic i only live in borehamwood im from hemel hempstead though trying to move back there. so its only up the road really lol :)

ill have to pop up at weekend and see what i can find :)

great photo though :)