Formula one farce


awkward customer
Lynton (yes really!)
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well after what promised to be a good race until team orders took over and ruined it..... I've cancelled the order for the F430....... :LOL:

Let's see what Massa has to say - he certainly doesn't look a happy bunny!
What's more worrying is that I agree with Eddie Jordan! :eek: We were robbed of the spectacle of two Ferraris racing for the win. According to the current rules Ferrari should be penalised.
Complete farce, will be very interesting to see what happens.
It'll be very interesting to see what Jean Todt has to say about his old team breaking the rules!

I feel bad for Felipe- & Alonso, sadly, slips further in my estimation.
Not a happy camper and rightly so too........... Rob the Yorkshireman (his Race Engineer) is quite funny though...."well done felipe, you were magnaminous there, ey lad, you won't understand that word, so I'll explain it later."
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That was quite uncomfortable watching Rob Smedley lose integrity by having to lie to the cameras. The Ferrari press chappy is clearly on the back foot and desperately trying to cover up the team orders. Such a shame considering how much Ferrari have improved and how well Massa has done.
What's more worrying is that I agree with Eddie Jordan! :eek:

I was somewhat taken aback when I realised he was talking sense.

A disgrace. But I don't expect the Ferrari Interests Association to do anything about it.
I flicked over to the F1 because I fancied a nap. Are you telling me the one time I actually tuned in it was interesting and I slept through it?
I hope they are docked of all points and get banned for the rest of the season. But hey they are Ferrari not McLaren.
Well not for the first time, I'm disgusted at certain people in the motorsports industry. Their willingness to blatantly lie on camera simply because they think they can cover their ass by more lying and sticking together.

In a 'sport' where the excitement levels are severly lacking what makes them think making it even more boring is better. It's the only event i hope it rains, says alot I suppose.
Suprise Suprise Ferrari are only fined $100,000 but the result stands... the Ferrari International Assistance work there magic again.

100,000 is absolute peanuts to them, barely even pocket money.
I hope the (again) cheaating Spaniard has the grace to give Massa any win bonus that he (Alonso) may have accrued today. And it's about time some of the **** stuck to Alonso - he cheats too much, even for F1!
€100,000 is bu99er all to a team like Ferrari - but let's see what the WMSC have to say when the case gets up in front of them.
if McLaren would do something like this (especially Hamilton would take over Button ) no one would even question this decision !!! But hey, it is Ferrari!!! they cheat in every move they make! .....

Im more than happy it happen this way not another:)

And yes, I do not like McLaren ;D I'm not a huge fan of Ferrari either ;p
The fine is a joke tbh as the race result stands, what a joke

still the sooner Alonso gets what he deserves the btter IMO

you broke the rules, we will fine you but you still win the race??? the cost of fixing Lewis's car on Friday would have cost more after his off

interesting scenario if nothing further comes of it, last race this year, Lewis need to win to win championship, Jenson cant win, but is leading a McLaren 1/2, "Jenson, Lewis is closing and going quicker" then we see a move like today, winning a world title could cost £65,000 and teams will look at whats happened today and think its a bargain
I don't know why I'm surprised, but I'd hoped that the new FIA & steward system would be fairer than the massive Ferrari bias we've endured for years.

Recent penalties for Alonso had made me wonder if times were changing, but this episode puts an end to that!

I'd love to know how a team can be found guilty of breaking the rules, hence the fine, but the penalty doesn't address the wrongdoing & leaves everything the team gained intact. This means there is no deterrent & Ferrari will be smiling tonight...all except Massa I should imagine!
From what I've heard - $100,000 is the maximum penalty that the stewards themselves can impose (presumably for any 'crime').

The actual case will have to go infront of the WMSC and then any extra punishment will be handed out, for example stripping of points etc.

Thats what I've been told anyway.

Personally i think the biggest joke about all the fuss of this about Ferrari cheating by running as a team, well folk dont bother watching BTCC, WTCC (inparticular) or Le mans etc happens all the time in those.

Massa will paid accordling i am sure for giving the win away for the team effort, i firmly believe all teams runn team orders of some sorts just word it better, mask it better.........
I thought it weird how Massa stood there in the interview with Leigh and said it was 'his' decision to let him past. That couldnt be further from the truth, its like the Mafia live in Ferrari and they are all gagged or just say what they are told to say. Its not right.
What is wrong with one team member helping another ?

Thats not what happened though, it was a definate 'team order' which is against the present rules and regs!
Even the Ferrari crew were embarased when interviewed!
Nice to see that Ferrari International Assistance have stepped up to the plate and done their usual arse kissing.
Alonso should be striped of the win and it should be given to Massa.
Watching the item on top gear tonight about Ayrton Senna reminded me that the glory days of classic F1 racing are long gone.
dupe post.
Stuff like this takes away so much credibility from the sport i love. The FIA failed the sport today, they failed to act until the fans and press made it an issue, they essentially allowed a race to be fixed.

If I wanted to watch a staged event I'd flick the TV over to Wrestling.

What made it worse was Martin Brundle and David Coulthard saying the press has stirred this up and anyone who thinks this doesn't happen is a fool. They basically said it's part of F1 and the rule should be removed.

As always F1 panders to the teams rather than looking to what the fans want - an actual motor race.
Why all the fuss, it's no longer a sport anyway. A spectacle, yes, a procession, carnival or parade maybe, entertaining...possibly but a sport? No way! :shrug:
I'm wondering is it worth watching the next race, wouldn't it be easier for Ferrari just to tell the media how they want the cars to finish, would add to the cost saving the FIA are pushing on the teams.
The FIA failed the sport today, they failed to act until the fans and press made it an issue, they essentially allowed a race to be fixed.

Lets see last race...Silverstone...Alonso overtakes Kubica by cutting the corner....fine...give him penalty!! but not after 3-5 laps!!!!especially after Kubica retired!!!!
even Renault said that if Alonso would give Kubica position back it would not matter as he had engine failure!!! and remember that he retired same lap!!!

what about times when Hamillton broke rules and stewards done nothing!!!!

why it took stewards so many laps to decide what do to!?!?!?! and give penalty when safe car is on track?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Do not say it is always Ferrari way!!!!

It is another sport that has many mistakes/failures in its 'judging' system!

it is another Sport discipline ... so everyone has its own favorites... but because of that dont judge the whole discipline...

... have you stopped loving football after referee mistakes on last England match during world cup ???

i am a fan of F1 for many...many years !!!! and I just know few people that follow it as much as I am....

F1 is much different then it was !

I do like this article

specially last sentence :
No one complained then. So why now?
Why all the fuss, it's no longer a sport anyway. A spectacle, yes, a procession, carnival or parade maybe, entertaining...possibly but a sport? No way! :shrug:

:plus1: I love watching sport. I love watching competition. F1 is just a non-event to me. The only time I hear of it in the news is as a result of scandals like this. That doesn't exactly encourage me to watch a sport that the media portrays as being so poorly regulated. The few occasions I watch it I just can't fathom where the interest is. I can understand if you go and see it live you get a perception of the speed which is entirely missing from watching on TV, but you can only watch one stretch of track at once and you'll miss 90% of the 'action'.

Different strokes I guess...
What is wrong with one team member helping another ?

Its again the rules, thats why its wrong

Lets see last race...Silverstone...Alonso overtakes Kubica by cutting the corner....fine...give him penalty!! but not after 3-5 laps!!!!especially after Kubica retired!!!!

It took longer as the FIA told Ferrari twice to give the place back apparently which is why the penalty came later after they failed to give the place back (which he then couldn't do in all fairness) but in reality he should have went onto the straight, lifted, let him pass then attack again from two corners later
Always suprises me when people criticise the teams for playing F1 as a team sport.

The no team orders rule should be removed. My opinion, speaking as someone who wanted Massa to win.
Ferrari stood to gain nothing from swapping their drivers' placings - they would have had a 1-2 whichever finished first. All they might gain is a position or 2 in the drivers championship for Alonso and if the WMSC strip them of their points (and possibly exclude them from the rest of the season), they could lose everything they've achieved so far this season.

I don't really think that team orders should be banned - it's a team sport after all but at the moment they are not allowed and yesterday's race fixing was too blatant for the stewards to ignore so Ferrari got fined (can't say they were punished since $100,000 isn't enough to be a real punishment) and the case has been referred to the WMSC.
Always suprises me when people criticise the teams for playing F1 as a team sport.

The no team orders rule should be removed. My opinion, speaking as someone who wanted Massa to win.

The team part is the constructors title.

The individual part is the drivers title.

All this did is help one person in the drivers title which is why it was wrong.

In previous years the two drivers may have been on the same part of the track but not really racing each other due to differing fuel loads. Under those circumstances it MAY be acceptable for the slower (heavier fueled) driver to let his team mate passed to maximise both strategies and therefore the total haul of points for the team.

What these people (like Coulthard) seem to fail to realise is the fans want to see drivers racing and this kind of thing just makes us stop watching. No fans, no money, no sport.
F1 is probably THE most boring 'spectator' sport ever!

In the unlikely event that Ferrari are stripped of points it is highly unlikely that they will be barred as a team from the rest of the series, their fans are needed. (For 'fans' read money)

I was also astonished when I realised that i agreed with Eddie Jordan :confused:
The team part is the constructors title.

The individual part is the drivers title.

All this did is help one person in the drivers title which is why it was wrong.

If you follow that argument to its conclusion, Red Bull should have been penalised for swapping the front wings between the drivers at Silverstone.

At what point is it acceptable for a team to assist one driver to the detriment of the other? During the race is not OK, but giving one inferior equipment is?