Forth Rail Bridge, decent light!


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Taken this evening:


Critique welcome! I am happy with the shot overall, there are things I would change yes. Some Sky Drama would have been nice, and perhaps a little better composition. Overall though, I am quietly pleased.

Used the 10 stop B&W filter, as well as the .6 and .9 Lee ND grads. The sun was on its way down to the west of this shot, not a cloud in the sky.

Gary. not so sure about the sky drama, yes its always nice to see but i think the blue sky works also..a kind of clean uncluttered look and feel. The pic works for me.
indeed, Im happy about the lack of drama aswell. Contrast works well with the orange/blue and i think clouds and other shiz would have ruined that a little. nothing to pick at personally, some water detail might have been nice.
indeed, Im happy about the lack of drama aswell. Contrast works well with the orange/blue and i think clouds and other shiz would have ruined that a little. nothing to pick at personally, some water detail might have been nice.

Do you think that more detail in the water would ruin that very subtle but smooth reflection of the bridge in the water? Just a thought.

I also think the smoother feel to the water sort of compliments the uncluttered sky in a way.
This is a lovely shot gary, yes clouds etc etc would be nice but isn`t it nice to have something differnt for a change, i like it very clean image. Well done if you dont mind me saying.
I love the simplicity of the smooth water and think that the empty blue sky only compliments this. If I could take photo's like this then I'd not be complaining!
Again lik eit Gary, dont think it loses anything in the sky, would be more than happy with that one.
I think a cloudless sky works better than a dramatic one in this case Gary (y) It mirrors the smoothness of the water iykwim.
That's a very nice shot; the sky works really well for me and helps draw the eye across the image.
I wouldn't change anything about it.
The star of the show is the bridge. The uncluttered sky and smooth water accentuates this.

Lovely lead in from the rocks and the lighting/colour is gorgeous.
Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive crit on this one! :D

Greatly appreciated.

Real nice, like the way you got the shot, with the sunset hitting the rocks in the foreground, and the sunset brings the colour out on the bridge, well done, excellent shot
Real nice, like the way you got the shot, with the sunset hitting the rocks in the foreground, and the sunset brings the colour out on the bridge, well done, excellent shot


For once I actually searched and looked for a composition, and the rock line seemed a no brainer. And the light was glorious :)

Gary. well as the .6 and .9 Lee ND grads.

Holy carp! So there was 5 full stops of difference between the sky and the land/water? Or have you used one upside down to darken the bottom of the shot?

This for my money is by far the better of your two bridge shots from the weekend. The first 'span' though... is it moving or slightly out of focus, or are my eyeballs playing tracks because it looks blurry.
Holy carp! So there was 5 full stops of difference between the sky and the land/water? Or have you used one upside down to darken the bottom of the shot?

This for my money is by far the better of your two bridge shots from the weekend. The first 'span' though... is it moving or slightly out of focus, or are my eyeballs playing tracks because it looks blurry.

Might be blurred a bit, 30 second exposure. I suspect more than 5 stops difference, the water was dark and murky, and the sky extremely well lit. Not overly bright, but bright enough.

Thanks for looking mate, always appreciated the feedback you give as I know you strive to master landscapes too. Bloody hard game.

How are you getting on with it at the moment? Been out and about much?

Most weekends, but I am struggling to get out when light is decent. Sprog due in 3 weeks time too! It'll either be a blessing (I'll be up at all hours), or not (too shagged to take pics full stop!).

If we're just having a chat mid thread, I think Jo made a very valid point the other day on one of your threads. Just chill a little, try not to try so hard. I agree and think you produced some of your best work last year when you were just 'playing and having fun'.

I'm having great fun with film at the mo. And lo-tech photography. It's a far more emotional experience for me using the Holga and seeing the results. The pics are crap, but in some ways they're better. Next stop for me is a pinhole so that I can do lo-tech long exposures.
Most weekends, but I am struggling to get out when light is decent. Sprog due in 3 weeks time too! It'll either be a blessing (I'll be up at all hours), or not (too shagged to take pics full stop!).

If we're just having a chat mid thread, I think Jo made a very valid point the other day on one of your threads. Just chill a little, try not to try so hard. I agree and think you produced some of your best work last year when you were just 'playing and having fun'.

I'm having great fun with film at the mo. And lo-tech photography. It's a far more emotional experience for me using the Holga and seeing the results. The pics are crap, but in some ways they're better. Next stop for me is a pinhole so that I can do lo-tech long exposures.

Congrats on the kid front!! :) Life changing, you will be busy taking endless portraits I bet!!! Film and the Holga sounds like an interesting route for your photography, I have not seen a lot of that type.

I think Jo had a very valid point, but at the same time I feel I have overplayed how much I am demented by light! :D Yes, it bugs me when I can't find it, however I feel the only difference now, I spend less time deleting photos that failed due to bad light, before I realised what bad lights was...dunno if that makes sense. Basically, my faves from last year, all had nice conditions, and light I would consider good. I just didn't realise it at the time.
