fotolia? a good earner?

Edit My Images
Has anyone tried them? I am not sure whether uplaoding and nameing and describing all the photos is really worth a few pennies per pciture that people buy.

Has anyone uploaded loads of pics? Have you earned any cash?

Have you had loads rejected even though they seem fine? (I have a friend who has this problem.)

I have joined but haven't bothered uploading anymore than 10 photos and wondered whether it was worth the bother.
i joined ages ago and uploaded about 20 pics but 18 of them were rejected for one reason or another so i just gave up all hope of it working then lol
That is what I figured.... hence I ahven't bothered as yet. Shame though. Nice idea. And they must get some customers as fotolia seem to be everywhere. They are even advertised when you register a domain with 1&1!
I've got 48 pictures on there. earnt about £6.00 had 20 or so rejected, although some were just seeing what they would take. However the effort involved (keywording can be done offline) I could make £50 for one picture to a magazine, on fotolia I'd have to make 100 sales. Also people on there get excited when they see their pictures being used for a big bill board, this is worth more than a couple of pounds. I've stopped sending them in so I don't devalue my photography anymore.

check out this thread:-