Four hundred seconds.

Edit My Images
Well after my efforts of the other day I was determined to revisit the same spot (nearly) to not be in such a rush.

The sky may not have been as angry looking but at one point during the long exposure the sky went nice a pink, complete fluke but made the shot.

24mm shot for 400 secs, Hoya HD Polariser and B+W 3.0 Ten stopp ND filter.

Smooooth !!!

Ahhh - that's gorgeous! What amazing colour! :clap:
Apart from a significant halo around the post, quite a dreamlike composition with some gotgeous light.
I agree - Smooth.

Just so happens that I'm enjoying a nice dram of Dalwhinnie 15yr as I'm viewing this image - Perfect combination.

Very nicely done.
Very nice.

It works as a panoramic too - no foreground with the horizon bang in the middle.
Cheers for the nice comments guys (and girls) ... I've just got back from a 3.45am start, 78 miles from Pompey to Dorset for a sunrise session, 107 images later my card reader has just stopped flashing !!! Probably only a few I was happy with but we'll see.

Spotted a bit of spidge on the sensor, doh !!!! Managed to clean if after the sunrise set, nothing that can't be cloned out i'm sure. It was only a bit of fluff which went with a couple of blasts from the rocket blower but could I find the mirror up button ???

Oh, and my mate Chris is just on his way round to take me down the seafront for a sunset session and a pint, busy day !!!

I really like this shot, I'll play around with the crop and will probably get it printed and hang it on my wall, after all that is why we take photos is'nt it ?

Cheers again

Hi Si,

First of all, you've captured some really nice colours here. Personally, I'd have taken the bottom bit off and cropped it in a 2:1 format. The halo around the post probably happened when you were processing. If you used Adobe Camera Raw, try not to up the clarity slider too much 'cos it's nearly always causes that sort of effect.

All in all, it's a shot to be proud of. :)
Best wishes,
Hi Si,

First of all, you've captured some really nice colours here. Personally, I'd have taken the bottom bit off and cropped it in a 2:1 format. The halo around the post probably happened when you were processing. If you used Adobe Camera Raw, try not to up the clarity slider too much 'cos it's nearly always causes that sort of effect.

All in all, it's a shot to be proud of. :)
Best wishes,

Cheers for the crit SF ...

I do appreciate it as I am still quite new to this. I'll have a look at the image again.

I agree with the crop and that is fairly simple to do and I'll probably look at the tradional 6 x 17 format to crop to (2.5ish :1).

I'll also have a look at the colours again. The halo has not come from upping the clarity slider (I think) or HDR (which I didn't do here) but it has appeared, I can go back through the history in Lightroom and see which setting it was and back it off a bit. I may also just be able to clone around it to get rid of it.

Thanks once again.
