FP-100C and FP-3000B instant film

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I bought these packs of Fuji instant film from Amazon, via their suppliers.

what would be considered a reasonable expiry date for these ?

One expires in October 2013, one in November 2013 and the third in January 2014.

I don't know what the normal life span is for this film, but the expiry dates on these products seems very short to me.
For the fast film, 2014 is okay, but for the FP-100C it's a bit short-dated really - especially the October 2013.

It's a pretty common trick though. Justification is normally that it is in date, and it is new - and it would work as expected if you shot it right now.

For what it's worth, if you store them in the fridge they do keep very well.

EDIT: for what it's worth, a pack of FP-3000B I bought in November 2011 had an expiry of September 2012.
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Many thanks for your reply. I have never used this film before, as have just got a polaroid back for my RZ.

I think i might point this out to Amazon, probably won't do any good, but worth a try. (y)
Many thanks for your reply. I have never used this film before, as have just got a polaroid back for my RZ.

I think i might point this out to Amazon, probably won't do any good, but worth a try. (y)

Your original post wasn't entirely clear to me - was this bought directly from Amazon, or via the Amazon marketplace (i.e. a 3rd party seller)? If so, I would contact the seller first if you feel the need to. I do think 5 months till expiry is a bit short, although as I said, the 2014 dated one isn't completely unexpected.

To be honest, you probably won't see any problems or degradation of the image. I used some expired FP-100C and then some fresh FP-100C, no difference noticeable.
Hi, yes they were from Amazon's third party sellers. I have contacted Amazon, as they came from three different suppliers, so rather than contact all three, i would let Amazon do it (y)

Where is the best place to buy this film from please ? (y)
If this film has been in the fridge, is it ok to load it straight away, or has it got to be room temperature etc, before using ?

Sorry if this sounds a stupid question, but i have never used this type of film before (y)
If its been in the fridge then for 35mm leave it for at least an hour and 1/2 an hour for 120, if its been in the freezer then 1.5 hours for 35mm and 1 hour for 120. Otherwise its likely that condensation will form on the film.

Check out Kodak Tech Pub e30 (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kodak.com%2Fglobal%2Fen%2Fconsumer%2Fproducts%2FtechInfo%2Fe30%2Fe30.pdf&ei=BXyBUYuGG5OR0QXe8YH4AQ&usg=AFQjCNG77qJvsA04A9Iqkf-R1yQvKd5q7A&sig2=JB6lUTSDho3jEV_XONJk1g) for more information, warm up times for all the various film formats are on the second page.

EDIT: Ignore, didn't notice it was instant film sorry. Probably an hour or so would be ample time.
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