France- Photographie retouchée (new law)

Edit My Images
Not seen this on here, apologies if it's a repost.
Apparently theres a new law in France requiring images with editing on models to be declared.

"It's no secret that images of models are often retouched to make their bodies look thinner or curvier in certain places, to lengthen their legs to mannequin-esque proportions, or to smooth out their skin and widen their eyes.

From Sunday, in France, any commercial image that has been digitally altered to make a model look thinner will have a cigarette-packet style warning on it.

"Photographie retouchée", it will say, which translates to "edited photograph".

Anyone flouting the new rule could be fined €37,500 (£33,000) or 30% of the cost of creating the ad."
This is what Getty is telling us

Please note that other changes made to models like a change of hair color, nose shape, retouching of skin or blemishes, etc., are outside the scope of this new law, and are therefore still acceptable.

It all sounds very reasonable and makes editing job easier for some photographers.