From Kinnoull Hill Perth

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I went up this hill today to take some pics. I like them for heir bright colours


Another photo but this is a panorama of 3 images
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great photo and composition. The rape seed contrasts well with the rest of the image.
i like the colours. i have driven past there a few times and always notice the tower at the top, but when you are driving you cant really look and see what it is. have you got any of the tower?
thanks, i like that, its different from what i expected, but then again i dont really know what i expected. (y)
:clap:I really like the first pic and the photo of the tower, lovely colours, nice and sharp and good composition. I had a look at the panorama but didn't really like this as I found I didn't like the way the river was cropped so close to the bottom of the photo.
What they said :)

Assume the sky had some help from a polariser?
You could lose a fair bit of sky of the first one as it doesn't add an awful lot to the shot. Nice taken and great to see the countryside so spanking bright. (y)