Fuji X100s

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Curious to other peoples experience with this camera.

I've had the x100s for a little over a month now, and my first thoughts are nothing but frustration.

My biggest gripes are the following...

Firstly the autofocus is painfully slow, almost unusable for certain situations and low light.
The battery life is really poor (guess extra batteries is the way forward)
The interface I find very un user friendly, coming from Nikon, I've really noticed the difference.
Viewing screen in both options are not clear.
I just find the whole camera very clunky.

I can't work out whether or not I need to give it a further few months, but have to admit I do miss the build, feel and usability of my SLR.

What are other peoples experience with the camera? From the reviews I'm reading, it seems I'm in the minority!


I love mine to bits. I far prefer using it to my DSLRs and they get left at home anytime I'm not working. Although I also know its not for everyone by any means. I know you're right about the batteries, but I think the AF is OK. The rest is taste. But if its not working for you, why keep it?
I loved my x100 looks and feel,but i found AF in low light not too good,had some great images and some rubbish but that was more likely my lack of experience,in the end i sold it and now use a canon G15(love it) and canon 6D which I'm growing to love.
A lot of money for what it is was my conclusion.
x100s update
after 2days playing I love this camera.The image quality is amazing,shot jpegs up to 3200 iso noise control very very good,autofocus not to bad at all.All in all im very pleased with it.