Full frame Nikon dSLR for £60!

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Well not quite, but I obviously got your attention :razz:! In fact it is kind of digital, in a scanner kind of way. When I used to shoot film I would usually always have Fuji Reala 100 in the camera. I came across some a few months ago for a bargain price of £0.97p a roll! Cheap huh! Expiry isnt until next year too! I have kept them in the fridge to keep the chemicals from dying for a bit longer. Why is my 35mm film camera a DSLR? Because you can simply hand your roll of film into a local developer that offers the scan to CD service and within the hour you have 36 shots on a CD (printable to 12x8, anything bigger then use the neg) and 36 6x4's printed for less than $10! (I live in Canada, hence the $$$). Thats cheap. Reala film is superb for portraits in low contrast conditions, it is absolutely fantastic. So much so, I have decided to share the results with you,... I enjoy the subtle tonality and pastel like colours. It is also very sharp, especially with a 50 f/1.8! These results just cant be mimicked on a DSLR (not by me anyway).




Oh, my £60 full frame Nikon DSLR was a Nikon F80.

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Heres a landscape sample. The colors are not as saturated as you may think or expect. Normally for landscape work you would use Fuji Velvia 50 / 100. But I like the yellow and overall setting for this photograph. I decided to use a wide aperture to create a slightly more abstract image. I think the pastel color that attracts me to this film is evident in this shot.

It appears that JPG compression has removed the sharpness from the most critical area of the shot. I will try and fix it, nope, wont fix, anyway, you can see what I mean re the saturation.


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3089x2048 pixel resolution. That equates to a JPEG file size of approximately 5.5MB's. They hold a fair amount of data.
I'm on film too :) Because I wanted full frame but only had a hundred quid!