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Well where do I begin :shrug: Armed with camera and recently purchased 105 Sigma I headed off to the woods to see what I could find. Not chasing birds around I decided to leave my Camo gear at home and wore a T-shirt, big mistake as I forgot how easy it is to get bit, stung and scratched :puke: I appreciate the time and knowledge that goes into taking shots of Fungi so I am calling on you experts to cast your eye over these couple of shots and give me your honest opinions as to what I could perhaps do to improve next time around. Would you suggest making use of the 580 Flash that I have in future, perhaps using it as a slave? Or try and stick with natural light where possible?
Thanks for looking.



I also shoot Macro with a Sigma 105mm and prefer natural light shots- however: its not always possible so I carry a Marumi ring flash or my sony off camera unit and a reflector

I love the shots above by the way :clap:

Les (y)
Very nice shots, #2 I like how the fungi is popping up through a simple fern flooring, the lack of ground clutter really helps (y)
Nice set Rich, think the first 2 are glistening inkcaps, cant remember the name of the 3rd it a mycena,

I think all could benefit crops, although they do show the habitat
Thanks all, Dave only just testing the lens out and also my first serious attempt at macro so I was not sure how much to crop in :shrug: Also wondering should I move the camera back a bit and use say F2.8-F5.6 or is it the norm to get in as close as possible using something like F16-F22, or just a case of personal taste.
Thanks all, Dave only just testing the lens out and also my first serious attempt at macro so I was not sure how much to crop in :shrug: Also wondering should I move the camera back a bit and use say F2.8-F5.6 or is it the norm to get in as close as possible using something like F16-F22, or just a case of personal taste.

For me Rich and it personal Im going for specimen shots so close for me, if your trying to be creative and get an interesting image go for your type shots, like I said its personal specimen or artistic/creative composition, I do like to get in close though

I wasnt knocking your shots they are great (y)
forgot to say I usually go for F11/14, gives good detail overall, and nice bokeh bg ISO100/200, tripod cable release, doesnt matter how long the exposure is they aint going anywhere, also use reflectors and shaders

Looks like you had nice light (y)
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For me Rich and it personal Im going for specimen shots so close for me, if your trying to be creative and get an interesting image go for your type shots, like I said its personal specimen or artistic/creative composition, I do like to get in close though

I wasnt knocking your shots they are great (y)
Cheers for that Dave, I did not think for one minute you were knocking the shots not that it would have mattered if you did (y) Looks like I will need a minature macro studio to take with me then :LOL: When I come back from the holiday I will also have to go and look for some more interesting subjects as well.
neat seat, i really like #2 with green plant around them

Thank you.