Garden Blackbird- wide angle

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Hi guys, heres some shots I took of the resident female in our back garden, continuing on from the set I just posted. I realised she was getting so close to me that I could start trying to take some shots using my kit lens, so inspired by some up close wide angle shots of red squirrels I had seen, I decided to try and get some "animals in their environment" type shots with this blackbird in the context of my suburban back garden (hence why I chose a clothes laden washing line as the background!). I was wondering which was peoples favourite?

The Garden Mother by Billy Clapham, on Flickr

The Suburban Garden by Billy Clapham, on Flickr

A Blackbirds Home by Billy Clapham, on Flickr

Close up and personal by Billy Clapham, on Flickr

Mother bird by Billy Clapham, on Flickr

I posted a blog on my site about this and other shots taken in my garden of the wildlife if anyone's interested :)
Great set of shots, but although I can see the 'birds in an urban garden' angle, I do think losing the washing line would be an improvement.

Full marks for getting the wide angle shots though
Great set of shots, but although I can see the 'birds in an urban garden' angle, I do think losing the washing line would be an improvement.

Full marks for getting the wide angle shots though

Yeah I do wish now I experimented with a few other backgrounds instead of just sticking with the one. I actually took this shot the evening before with a different backdrop, I'm unsure if its any better, just maybe slightly less distracting, though the lighting wasn't as good. Its a shame I'm back at uni now, so i can't just pop out into the garden to have another go :')
Garden Visitor by Billy Clapham, on Flickr
Billy - hope you dont mine my edit - not perfect in any way - but just a 2 minute twiddle" - it's not difficult to change

but I like the original unusual composition, anyway


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#1 is my favourite. I really like the concept.

So your secret weapon is mealworm, eh? Blackbirds are amazingly friendly anyway if you approach them right.
Good stuff.

I quite like the inclusion of the washing line as it adds to the 'garden' feel.
Cheers guys! I think number one is my favourite as well, I think at the time she might have spotted a predator in the sky or something, because she looked up at the sky then froze in that position for a few seconds, it definitely seemed like she was looking at something anyway! I'm keeping my fingers crossed when I finish Uni and get home for summer that she might have some fledglings around that I might have a chance at getting as close to!

Great pictures, although my wife would kill me if I posted pictures of her bra on the washing line :p
haha I only noticed they were there after i started looking through the shots on my laptop! Just to make it even more awkward, they're are actually my mums!! :oops: :$:LOL: