Garden Orb Weaver Spiders

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Taken yesterday afternoon, no wind and overcast, perfect conditions.

Thanks for looking!




With a packed lunch!

One of the great things about being here is you learn the names of things that I shoot on here.. Great shots mate
Superb shots and in a good enviroment (y)
Second shot is my pick...
Thanks for the comments folks

Matt: I'm using a Sigma 105mm macro lens with a Canon 25mm extension tube and Marumi ringflash. I've tweaked the levels a bit and I always use 'High Pass' sharpening rather than USM.
Great shots there!! like them all!!

Does the 25mm extension make a big difference?
Does the 25mm extension make a big difference?

These spiders are quite large Tom so I didn't really need the extension tube but it gives me a slightly larger than life-size magnification so I just leave it attached to the macro lens, not a big difference though.

Cheers Tom, Bison!
Excellent set of images. #2 is superb.

Couple of little dust spots lurking about there George. Mind you, I'm ashamed to say that I have to do some quite significant cleaning up due to my sensor being rather dirty. I need to buy a sensor cleaning kit to be honest.
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Couple of little dust spots lurking about there George.

Cheers Ian, 'dust bunnies' I know em as! LOL Yeah, I need to give the sensor a good old clean too, thanks for pointing them out. The Auto Clean function is about as much use as a chocolate teapot! LOL
hehe, I have become quite adept with the healing brush. Believe me, you would be horrified, gobsmacked if you saw my images prior to posting them. :D

I normally call 'em dust bunnies too but really don't know why I didn't today :D
Cheers Ian, hopefully dust bunnies all gone now. Thanks Ian, Neil :)