Gear for Silverstone


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Im off to Silverstone tomorrow for the full F1 weekend.

I have been twice before and used my 400D and Sigma 70-300, although I had a selection of lenses with me, it was only really the sigma that I used.

When I look at the photos that I kept and had printed, they were all taken at 300mm.

Therefore this year Im thinking of just taking the 400d and 300mm F4L IS, rather than lugging around extra lenses and things.

Is this a good idea or not?

Other lenses I have are 10-22, 24-105 L, 50 1.8, 100 L 2.8 and the Sigma 70-300.

Ideally I should probably take a 1.4x extender aswell, but I dont have one and its too late now.

So out of my gear, what would you take and why? Will I regret just taking the 300mm F4 and nothing else?

never been, but if you are anything like me i always take everything just in case.
thing is. if you take it, you wont use it, and if you dont, you will need it. sods law.
looking at your list, id take the 24-105 . for wider shots of the stands and crowd
unless you only want the cars
For on track stuff from the public areas, you'll need all the focal length you can muster, particularly with the recent track changes.

If I'm honest, if I were you, I would take my camera gear for Friday practice but after that I would carry nothing more than a P+S and simply enjoy having a few beers while watching the racing. The crowds will make it difficult to move around or get a clear shot on Saturday and Sunday of the on track action. A P+S will let you capture the atmosphere of the event while not getting in anyones way, or being constantly worried about you expensive DSLR and lenses.

Just what I would do.

Alex - don't forget to post some of your shots. Looked like a fantastic day with a good result for McLaren.