Gearing up for Eaglefest!!

It must be very surreal to be able to say I'm just popping down the road to photograph Eagles, absolutely stunning I'm so jealous.
Amongst the best shot's of eagle's I have seen, stunning quality. No. 2 as said, "is a tunnier".
lovely shots, looked a nice day for it

plus you are a lucky sod for having eagles down the road
lovely shots, #2 is a real cracker (y) they are such majestic animals. I look forward to seeing more of your work on these beautiful eagles.
Thanks guys... It's really nice to see the eagles back, they've returned for the salmon spawning. We get them flying past the house, but I hardly ever have my camera handy when they do..... The day we moved in here one flew down our road just about in line with the roof tops, it was an awe inspiring sight!!

Thank you again for the comments.
(y) There all great shots as said to be able to go for a walk and see these and the other wild life you must have I`am so jealous
Yeah it's pretty great... The only trouble is that some of the wildlife here isn't always that friendly ;)
Nice shots - especially no.2 for the autumn/fall colours, and the juvenile in no.4.

Brings back happy memories when Mrs D3S and I visited Vancouver ahead of our Alaskan trip last year...we saw more Baldies than pigeons!
We are in our 3rd year in B.C and i can't believe that seeing Eagles, Osprey, Hawks, Racoons, Bears etc.... will ever get old.

Still on the look out for cougars, i'm not sure however how long i'd want to stick around and take pictures of one of those :thinking: