German Shephard pup

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Any comments/crit welcome. This is a new pup at our local dog club and the owner asked me to take a few shots. Unfortunately the club is in a very run down old military barracks so backgrounds are always a problem. I know that the lead needs removing but he is far too fidgety to take it off and I'm really hopeless at cloning anything other than very basic.



They just don't come any cuter then that do they :love: absolutely adorable.
Pictures are pretty good nice and sharp where it counts, just a shame about the messy backgounds
I love number three! Shame about the lead and the plastic chair, have you tried cloning them out in post?
Love the third photograph, how cute is he?! My friend has two German Shepherds, I love how their paws and ears appear to be far too big for their bodies when they're young!
How did you get it to stay still?? Haha!

Lovely shots! And a gorgeous pup! Makes me want one haha
Love number three of these photos. But I have to agree with OP's that the lead spoils the photo somewhat for me.

I would try and aim for a less cluttered background next time would be my suggestion, (more to do with the colour tones of wood then actual items) and if you do then please post some more of the dog again!

I know that you have already mentioned the same in your post but I looked first then read second, whoops, sorry.

Thanks for posting these pictures too!
Thanks very much all.

As to the cloning, no, I haven't tried anything with these. As I say, my cloning skills are more than basic level and I'm not sure I can do these. I'll try and do more shots with no lead and a better background. It's worth it while he's still got that cute pup look :)