Getting back in to the "click" of things


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Went for a trip to London yesterday, dusted the camera bag off (I mean really, it was under my bed and it was gathering so much dust I swear I thought my bag was brown) so I could get some photo's whilst I was there. "Why not?" I asked myself. Well, this is why......

I'm really trying, really hard to get back in to photography. But it's such a drain when you produce stuff like this. Plus the resizing business, Flickr is driving me mad and I've only been trying to do it for a hour.

Here goes......

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I took a drive over to a place near South Creake today to see what photo's I could get, then noticed the field is too high from the car park to get any decent photograph (without climbing a tree)


Trying some different DOF's that I'm not used to doing, normally just F8.0 and leave it as that. But now I've been playing about with it. It's exciting.

I want to get my camera booked in for a sensor clean and mirror and viewfinder clean tomorrow. Being under my bed for nearly 2 years has made dust go everywhere.
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Very good, I like the one with the traffic lights. The symmetry works for me.
It's so hard getting back into photography when you're stuck for inspiration, and the sky is dull outside. I'm always looking around the house for interesting things to photograph. such as marbles, coloured pencils, straws, keys. etc etc. It also means I can get practice with lighting, DOF, etc, as these things don't move!!
Thank you Jackie :)

I am going to take a few photo's with a idea in mind that I came up with last night, should be fun.
We've all done the "bodge it and see" thing, with things around the house to make a plain back-drop! :) It's a good idea. Still life is great practice for using manual settings on your camera.