Ghost Boot CD

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This might be a long shot, but I'm after a Norton ghost boot cd as mine has got scratched and is now unusable.

I have an external drive with PC images on, and could really do with a working cd/DVD

Can anyone help out?

Download a Linux OS such as Ubuntu or Mint and create a bootable CD. That will do a better job than a ghost boot disk.
No, but it's a 'clever' answer so it doesn't matter whether it addresses the problem or not.
More seriously, which version of Ghost? I've found CDs for 9.0, 2001 & 2003 but it's so long since I used them I can't remember if there's file compatibility throughout. If one of them will do I can either burn you a copy or email an ISO.
Ghost is so old I don't know if it would work with modern OS/s.
Much better to download the HIRENS ISO CD and use the tools on there.
This is an interesting point, whilst Ghost was the standard it was also a proprietary format. Year down the line it may become difficult to read it in this format.

I'd grab a copy of Ghost Explorer whilst you can, it should be a free download and allows you to mount the files and explorer and copy files out of them. Even to convert to a vmdk you still need the Ghost software as far as I know :(