Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye

This has a lot going for it, and your approach was spot on 99%, the only thing preventing this image from being outstanding rather than very good, are the nearest rocks are slightly OOF, (shooting at f16?), a slight crop wouldn't effect the balance (I don't think)

I know Glen Brittle, and just how challenging it is, particularly the changeable weather.
Sorry to buck the trend, but,in my opinion only, the finished article looks over processed and unnatural.I am not saying that it is bad and do appreciate all the thought and effort that has gone into it.The rocks in the foreground look false in thier colour and the rocks just behind the water stand out too much.

From what I can see of the original, that looks far better and I would love to see that at full size?

I like the natural look much more, but that is just me..........:)
Hi Les, the only rocks that look OOF are the ones under the water. Used f/16 as the distance for the FG to the BG wasn't all that great. Appreciate your comments as always.

fracster, it was shot in RAW and we all know that RAW files need editing. Trust me the finished image is how it looked when I took the photo, if you've been to Skye then you will know that all the rivers running from the Cuillins are like this ... just beautiful ;)

Thanks everyone for the comments.
Well i think this is stunning! I'd be soooo happy if i'd shot this! (y)

Everyone's tastes are different and some people just like to see images as they come out of the camera...even though we all have to do something to them afterwards whether it be up the saturation or contrast. Well that's ok, but in my experiance, the most outstanding images are the ones that look slightly different to how the eye would normally see the scene. I think you did a great job on this!

You obviously know how to take a cracking lanscape shot, so keep up the good work and i for one will look forward to seeing more of your stuff! Thanks for sharing you pp work with us. :)
Not only is that an awesome shot, but you are a star for sharing such a perfect guide to the PP. You have no idea how helpful it is, as you have highlighted to me anyway, several things which I have never even considered in PP.

Your out of the camera pic would have had be hitting the roof with excitement.

Love it,

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What a wonderful image, so beautiful. I know this area reasonably well and would say you have truly caught the essence of the location. Well done. I hope i can take a landscape shot as good as this one day. Thank you for sharing your post processing too it help many of us to learn. Im looking forward to seeing more. Angi
WOW - that is an excellent image - it just draws your eyes from front to back (y):clap::clap:

Just out of interest was this a one off or one from a sequence of shots? The reason I ask is that it would be interesting to see just how much of an effect the light played in producing a corker ;)

Thanks also for sharing your PP.
