Glencoe sunrise

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You're not wrong there Martin. What a great capture.

Well worth getting up early for. Lovely execution
Love it Martin.
The light certainly makes the shot Martin, but your wider composition to include the other mountains on the left and right helps greatly. Plus the clouds were doing you a bit of a favour as well! I generally pass by on BEM photos, but this is a special one. (y)
beautiful capture mate that light is superb

Thank you Tam mate :)

The light certainly makes the shot Martin, but your wider composition to include the other mountains on the left and right helps greatly. Plus the clouds were doing you a bit of a favour as well! I generally pass by on BEM photos, but this is a special one. (y)

Thank you Peter, a trip up with a special personal reason behind it, so for it to start like this was the perfect start to an amazing weekend with my best friends. Everything just came together lovely.