Go and vote - Please :p

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Voted, 3 different forms for us up north, nothing too difficult at all.....

....unless you where the guy in the booth beside me who was huffing and puffing while effing and blinding at the same time complaining how it's "Too Bloody Complicated". :thinking:
No more than churlish acronyms bypassing the swear filter do ;)

Which is not at all. But you are putting so much effort it anyone would thing it did matter to you :shrug:
Can we drop the petty arguments now please :) half an hour and polls will close and we can forget this thread ever existed :)
as this is in no way a political thread.

Try telling a politician urging people to vote isn't political...

As for your other point, this image says it all really...


It is good to see the dynamics of this forum at work though, political or not :D
Balls to it, will close it now then. Was good while it lasted.
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