going down

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This shot is all about the lines and contrast. Blew the highlights on purpose to give the high contrast effect I wanted.
Not often I dip into the architecture section but I was about to say - I don't mind the blown background because this shot is all about the contrast and the lines.

Then I read your comment LOL - so a thumbs up from me.
I like it - for me the most important thing is that you have got the horizontal and vertical just about straight which really makes your diagonals stand out. Glad you waited for a person, even if it's all about the lines you need that focal point - somewhere for them to lead. I also really like the repeating pattern on the left wall.

The only thing I don't like is the light bleeding around the person, the hot spot below her bag keeps dragging my attention away...
TBH I'am not keen on this picture I know you blew the highlights on purpose. But the detail in the escalators has suffered because of that! (That's assuming that they are escalators and not slopes?) I also agree with GTI, I dont like the light bleed around the person either.
Thanks for the reply. The details on the escalator aren't really that important though to be fair. Could have easily drawn more detail out using the raw adjustment but then it starts to turn an arty image into a more regular one, which isn't what I wanted, hence the blown highlights. . .
I get the need to blow highlights but agree with a few not at the expense of losing detail on the escalators. They just look like slopes and really do need definition. I would have also contemplated taking the shot lower, but not sure if that would be feasible.

I'm a big fan of high contrast black and white but you need good tonal transition and I think that is lacking a bit here.

May come across as a bit hyper critical but not my intention, it's not a bad image :)
Not hypercritical at all, as it's up here for critique so fire away! I know what you mean about a range of tones, but don't think it's always necessary and think if I start filling in the shadows here it becomes a little ordinary, which is why I left the escalators as they are. One of the reasons I left the curves in at the bottom was to anchor the image, but also to give a strong clue as the what the structure was and where abouts on it the viewer is viewing from. Couldn't get any lower sadly.