Going Officially HEAVY



The Great North Cross Country Championships 2009 Sherdley Park, St. Helens.

We knew it was going to be a little muddy, but by the end of the day even a cart horse would have struggled up some of the hills.

The Under 13 were lucky this week as the ground was fine in most places.


As the older girls started it was cutting up a little


The senior men are now having a little trouble, but not too bad at the top of the hill.


Now the last race of the day and the under 20 women had a really tough time of it, and this was one of the better parts of a truly awful circuit.

Lovely set !!

#3 and #4 stand out for me for the lovely light! And the expressions on their faces - especially #3 :)
Lovely set !!

#3 and #4 stand out for me for the lovely light! And the expressions on their faces - especially #3 :)

Cheers, the light really did get much better late in the afternoon. :)
Great set, really caught the effort being expended.
great shots whiteflyer as always I was at the midlands where the going was equally heavy will put some shots up later
Thanks again chaps.

I love all the shots and although I am not a runner this epitomises real X Country not the semi manicured lawns they especially run the world Championships on

I totally agree, this course was hilly and very muddy as you can see, but the UK trails earlier in the year the course was really quite flat.

Looking forward to your Photos Mick