Going up to Scotland for 1st time

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...on 2-5 October (3 nights and 4 days). My plan is to do some landscape photography on the Isle of Skye with Portree as a bass of operations. I'm unfamiliar with Scotland and wouldn't mind some recommendations for places to go. I have a car and prepared to hike for 3-4 hours in any direction from the nearest road, so getting around won't be a problem.

Suggestions would be much appreciated! (y)
whatever you do dont ask the traffic warden in portree for directions ,ive never met a more unhelpful, dour person in my life
Based in Portree you could easily spend the whole of the time simply on Skye and not have to set foot off the island. Portree in fact is a nice enough little place, especially pretty down by the harbour and in the town square. Places to go? Try heading north of Portree up to Flodigarry and either all the way round the north of the island or cut across the Quiraing to Uig. Fabulous jagged peaks abound. The Cuilins themselves are just about photographable from anywhere, but try a trip to Elgol if you can via Sligachan. Are you driving up there? I don't know your route but I would avoid the A9 and head up the west coast via Glen Coe and Fort William - stunning scenery all the way. If you want to spend time off the island, try a trip to Torridon. Lastly - not all of Skye is lovely - the area from the bridge to Broadford is fairly dreary and if it rains, then it can be a disappointment for scenery - in which case you will have to retire to a bar somewhere.

Enjoy your tirp.
as you say you are starting in isle of skye which is pretty far north west. and from only being there once or twice im not to sure on recomendations. but in scotland if your prepared to walk 3-4 hours on trails etc. you will find some nice stuff no problem.
You're getting about a bit this year, Mike! (Geography-wise I mean! ;) )
aberal - thanks for the tips. Above all I don't want to waste any time in dreary areas. I will take your advice and travel up the west coast to the island via Fort William - sound like it will be worth it. The mates I'm going up with want to see Inverness as well, but we can always check that out on a bad weather day if we get any :LOL:

Otherwise, if we do encounter bad weather I think finding a little pub in Portree to hole up in with some excellent malt doesn't sound like a half bad idea.

Janice - yeah I am getting around a bit aren't I ;) I've just decided that the only way to get some half decent landscape photos is to go to where there are actually amazing landscapes... sure beats the local park for sunset shots and photoshopping out the bloody high-rise flats! :bonk:
Torridon, is a great place. I was there last week, got some excellent light at sunset, luckily as got there at sunset. That whole area is really picturesque. I might be heading upto skye now, debating sky or mull. I'll make me mind up tomorrow :)

One word of warning the roads are not the best, sometimes down to a one lane road (for both directions) with passing places. Shouldn't be to bad in october but could be a real pain if the roads are busy. But it adds to the fun :)
If your going to Skye you will be very close to the Eilean Doran castle
Drive up to Eigg on Skye and then across the island via the Quarang. Its a fantastic little road with great scenery. You can see across to the Western Isles and mainland Scotland. Also a good chance of seeing golden eagles.
Then down the east coast of Skye via the Old man of Storr. Top stuff, wish I was going.

I was up there on the August Bank Holiday and the scenery is just amazing. As recommended above, go up via Glencoe and Fort William.

I'd also recommend taking the ferry over to Skye from Mallaig, rather than driving over the Skye Bridge. This will take you along the "Road to the Isles". The Glenfinnan Monument is halfway between Fort William and Mallaig and has a great viewpoint on the hill behind with the monument and loch on one side and the steam train viaduct (used in a Harry potter movie) on the other.

Although not on Skye, if you have time, I'd also recommend Loch Maree and the scenery on the road from Applecross to Gairloch is the most beautiful I have ever seen!!

So how was the Scotland trip. Get any good photos?
Most importantly ekimeno, bring some decent weather with you, it has been terrible this year so far. ;)
Unfortunately I didn't end up going that weekend as my mate pulled out a few days beforehand. :(

So, I've rescheduled for spring time next year. In the meantime, though, my trip to Morocco is still going ahead at the end of November, so photos from that are imminent! :)