Goldcrest in front garden

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Standing in the front garden just now with my brother-in-law showing him my 7D when this little chap appeared just above us.
I hadn't even checked the settings, just popped a few off more in hope than expectation.
Sad thing is the tree he's in we reckon he nests in and it's being felled next week.

Get a stop order on the felling of the tree.

No need to do that, it's in my garden. Trouble is there are 3 of these together and they've taken over completely.
They block out all the light in the front of the house and suck the life out of the soil.
I'm fed up with shelling out every couple of years to have them thinned, luckily it's a fair size front garden and there are other trees.
It looks very yellow?

Is the WB off?
Suggest you put off the felling until after the nesting season. It is an offence under the wildlife and countryside act 1981 to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird whilst it is use or being built.