
Neil B

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Came across a few of these whilst out walking the dogs and went back for a go at them, little sods don't sit still for long :LOL:

Goldcrest by Neil Brimacombe, on Flickr

Thanks for looking (y)
Another foot closer he would have been perched inside your lens hood :D

They are indeed urgent little buggers, nicely caught (y)
A good find Neil and well captured.
Nice shot-glad it hung round for your return.When I took our a retriever for a walk it was useless trying to photograph birds,I stopped taking the camera,you were lucky it was still there.
Well captured Neil sharp throughout and a great pose to compete the image.
Don't know what I have done with this second post LoL.
It must be me getting old...
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A lovely shot of a lovely little bird Neil, well done!
You did well there. Tricky little blighters (y)
Cheers for the comments (y)
Here's one more that looks like it's had a night out on the town, got bigger bags under the eye's than me :D

Goldcrest by Neil Brimacombe, on Flickr
Are these with the 400 Neil? Sorry...thought these were done by neilyb.

Both very good shots
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Two nice shots Neil,the bag under your eyes at 6pm are much worse than those:LOL::LOL::LOL: