Golden Eagle - exit stage right

The composition is fantastic, Paul. The bird just sits perfectly in that area of sky........brilliant.
Great shot Paul (y)Timed to perfection, must be a great experience seeing these in the wild (y)
If eagle is on the stage, wouldnt it be stage left???? ;)

oh the photo - well thats purely stunning!!! :clap:
I wont lie I like it alot.. I am very jealous of the shots your posting of late and I hope I get the opportunity to try some shots like these in my life time....


Well time shot Paul and i like the composition, is that what the colours looked like as it looks a bit strange on my comp (might be my comp mind you) or is it compressed alot :thinking:
Thanks all. Neil, I think the colours are about right. I've actually dropped the saturation a little as the crown on the eagle looked very vivid - it was, but I toned it down a little. It's possible lacking in blacks a little due to the falling snow, but that is how it was.