Golden hour shoot


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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for the first time in ages, i did a shoot for somebody - two friends wanted some posy picture - i've still got a bunch to process but this is what i've finished so far. i can post some more up later.

i really enjoyed photographing adults, i've never really done that before - all the others shoots i've done have been with families with kids and although i feel much more comfortable in doing this because i get plenty of practice with my own children, adults do at least say still but are harder work in other ways.

shooting and posing two young girls is something i've never done before and any hints/tips and c+c is really appreciated.





All great but number 4 is superb. They will be very happy with that one.
Great work! No.4 has a natural and fun feel to it but my pick has to be No.3, the eyes and dof are just spot on for me!
these are great. They do have more of a feel of a senior style shoot rather then during golden hour though
I love these, my only minor crit is the lipstick/teeth in #2 are too bright/bold compared with the rest of the scene but other than that these are spot on (imo).
Like them all (y)

I love these, my only minor crit is the lipstick/teeth in #2 are too bright/bold compared with the rest of the scene but other than that these are spot on (imo).

This is what helps make this shot for me!
These are really lovely Mark.

If I may give a little critique, and this is only very minor.

As said on No.2 its a shame the hat has been slightly cropped, I would have been tempted to get a touch lower too.

No.3 for me I'd have cropped more of the top of her head off to bring the focus even more on those bright bold eyes! (something which you seem to nail every time without making them look fake!)

No.4 just a touch more room to the right of the guitar.

But as always, I wish I could take photos of this standard! Really like your processing too!
I do love your processing Mark!
All fantastic - you really know how to make that 135L sing!!

One thing... not a criticism at all, and probably worthless, but something I have been picked up on before... Pictures 1 and 2, the yellow hue is totally different (it may just be a different area of the field... with different coloured grass?) but it looks like you've got the first picture quite far over to the left of the yellow or green hue scale, and the 2nd picture is further to the right of the scale..
As individual photos you wouldn't notice this, but when they are part of a set, the colour change in the grass is noticeable... but like I said at the start... it isn't a bad thing, infact I like it, but its something I noticed.
Lovely set of images (as always) Mark - just wanted to add my (y) and +1 Rob's points - I was about to post exactly the same, but saw he had beaten me to the punch.
Excellent stuff indeed. The last two especially for me.
Like all of these (except the B&W), surroundings, lighting, make up, processing and narrow DOF are all spot on.

B&W somehow doesn't fit in the excellent sequence for me, I think because it looks more like a studio shot?
thanks for taking the time to comment everyone.

you know, the clipped guitar bothers me more than the clipped hat, which doesn't bother me at all, and i'm the sort of person that will usually (99%) bin a shot if fingers or hands are clipped unless it has exceptional redeeming features.

with the guitar shot, i have a photo of everything in the frame but the expressions aren't as real - the framing was tight to get the composition i wanted and unfortunately they or i moved and slightly clipped the end. but the shot you see is a completely natural genuine moment between friends and they were both quite shy, but really fun. the great thing about the 135 f/2 lens (which i used for all of these) is that you can be really far back and they can have a private chat, laugh and giggle and not be intimidated by the photographer.

i can also say that i haven't performed any enhancement on skin, lip, teeth or anything. that's completely as it was. the only thing i've done is removed minor blemishes. sadly for most of us, they looked that great without any digital magic.

now with the headshot of the girl that's in mono, to my eye, i thought it worked best processed this way.


this is the colour one, i still think i prefer it in bw - what do you guys think?

Nick raised a good point about processing and slight colour changes - i think this is because they were shot in various different locations and the light was variable but as i've said before, because each photograph is a individual exposure and composition, i believe that they should (or can) be processed individually. my processing style could best be described as a subtle tonal shift and i agree significant changes in processing styles can look naff and out of place, but it can also be unique and individual. the mantra that you should process all the images in a "set" the exact same way to me is just an arbitrary rule made up by somebody who i've never met. like i've said before, if i was compiling a wedding album i would likely process them the same or similar, but for all the work that i do, i just look at each photograph as an individual and process it in a way that looks best to my eye.

@BSphoto - i used a reflector for all of these shots, i use a reflector pretty much when i can to lift the shadows, the difference this one little thing makes to your shot is quite remarkable.

here is one more shot i've processed - not really been on my computer since the weekend because i've been busy at work, hopefully will get time to crack on with them tomorrow.

thanks again for taking the time to crit.

The shots are ace really good, but what is it with these square eyebrows the girls are going for, they are horrible, they look like they are painted on by Lego, one of the girls at works are so bad she looks like a ventriloquist dummy !
Thanks Gary - according to the wife, the particular eyebrow style you describe is called a "scouse brow". A google image search seems to confirm and reveals horrors beyond comprehension.
Fantastic set.

I won't needless nit pick on the first 5 as they are all shot to a very high standard. You've been advised about the imperfections but as a whole, very impressed! Not so sure the comments about the different PP styles are relevant though :thinking:

There is one image that bothers me a but and I would consider dropping it from the set...

That's #6.

The pose looks a but awkward. Kind of as if she's squashed against the wall but happy about it. The thing that bothers me most is the hand that is faced to show fingers and shows a rather large vein...

I feel with a different pose this angle and DOF usage could have made it a very very nice image but unfortunately for me, the pose isn't doing it and even if it were the hand would spoil.

Very very nice images, the standard is very high on all of them regardless of my personal opinion. Well done!
Wow such colours and sharpness, love them.
A great set thanks for sharing.

Can I ask how you processed these to get that effect.

Phil Young said:
Fantastic set.

I won't needless nit pick on the first 5 as they are all shot to a very high standard. You've been advised about the imperfections but as a whole, very impressed! Not so sure the comments about the different PP styles are relevant though :thinking:

There is one image that bothers me a but and I would consider dropping it from the set...

That's #6.

The pose looks a but awkward. Kind of as if she's squashed against the wall but happy about it. The thing that bothers me most is the hand that is faced to show fingers and shows a rather large vein...

I feel with a different pose this angle and DOF usage could have made it a very very nice image but unfortunately for me, the pose isn't doing it and even if it were the hand would spoil.

Very very nice images, the standard is very high on all of them regardless of my personal opinion. Well done!

Literally agree with everything here! Especially that, although good, number 6 isn't as top notch as the rest! Keep up the good work! :)
Great set of images, but I agree with the eyebrows comment.

Best for me is number 4 with a bit more room on the right for the guitar.