Wild Goldfinch On Young Cherry Tree.


Bo Derek
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I planted a cherry tree at the hide back in the spring, to provide cover for the birds mainly but also, hopefully to provide natural, living perches. The goldfinches seem to have decided it's a good place to perch before heading for the feeders. Result!!

Got one in the rain today, as the tree shuts down for winter.

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Yup that's lovely mate, a gnats on the HA but it works bro. the single leaf really adds. What kind of cherry,I need to share something with you mate, something for a few years down the road .:whistle:

Excellent work

Thank you! :)

Cracking shot Dale. Great light, colours and background, not to mention the subject

Cheers Bob.

Yup that's lovely mate, a gnats on the HA but it works bro. the single leaf really adds. What kind of cherry,I need to share something with you mate, something for a few years down the road .:whistle:


Cheers Stu. I hear you on the head, I had the same feeling too, I'm still looking at the images from yesterday's stint and there may be one with a better head turn, will keep you posted on that one.

I have no idea what type of cherry tree it is, it seems to be struggling but it's not planted a year yet. it's had some kind of black bugs on it too, which seem to give the leaves a burned and black appearence. I'm no gardener so I have no clue. I have another cherry just off to the side of this one, about 20 feet or so away and that is thriving, I've had to reign that one in a few times. You have me intriqued. ;)
cherries can suffer sommit called silverleaf Dale,worth a breif dig main thing for me with a new tree is at least a bucket of water a week through the summer months(especially in a summer like last. Black bugs probably aphid s. Mate I never spray NEVER One of the reasons for my choice of cherries is the birds get fed too.as we have a native counter part,to the man made cultivars (breeds),such as flowering desert or cooking.

I'll try and get something up bro.............................:)
cherries can suffer sommit called silverleaf Dale,worth a breif dig main thing for me with a new tree is at least a bucket of water a week through the summer months(especially in a summer like last. Black bugs probably aphid s. Mate I never spray NEVER One of the reasons for my choice of cherries is the birds get fed too.as we have a native counter part,to the man made cultivars (breeds),such as flowering desert or cooking.

I'll try and get something up bro.............................:)

Yeah, it was watered in well, left the hose on it for a few minutes each day, a previous neighbour kept on at me every time I planted something new, most of which he donated. Lovely chap but another story for another day.

The other cherry I have was ragged by the birds in less than a day, it was full of cherries but soon gone. I don't mind that though. I have noticed more ladybirds than normal this year, maybe feasting on the bugs.