Good beginner camera?

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I've had a Fujifilm Finepix S2950 for almost 3 years now and it's been ok for my first camera. But, it's getting a bit old now (problems with the flash and with filming). I've had it a while so I've started looking for a new camera. I don't want anything too fiddly, just a good, quite cheap camera. Brand doesn't matter at all and I'd prefer if it were below £300. I only photograph as a hobby so it doesn't have to be the best camera ever but just something that is quite easy to use and takes relatively good pictures (better than my old camera). Thanks :)
The Sony RX100 is well worth looking at. The Mk.1 is a smidge over your budget new, but there are many used great condition ones for under your budget.
Its simple to use, really does take great images, good video, is tiny, slips even into jeans pocket, has zoom from 28-over 100mm (in 35mm terms), so a decent wide angle through to short telephoto. Its also built really well, has excellent battery life and built in flash.
There are downsides, most importantly it has no tilt screen and no viewfinder.
But overall is a great entry level camera, in my opinion of course.
I've had a Fujifilm Finepix S2950 for almost 3 years now and it's been ok for my first camera. But, it's getting a bit old now (problems with the flash and with filming). I've had it a while so I've started looking for a new camera. I don't want anything too fiddly, just a good, quite cheap camera. Brand doesn't matter at all and I'd prefer if it were below £300. I only photograph as a hobby so it doesn't have to be the best camera ever but just something that is quite easy to use and takes relatively good pictures (better than my old camera). Thanks :)
It's difficult to find a truly bad camera these days. If you stick to the main brands with a reputation for photography you won't go wrong - in purely alphabetical order Canon, Fuji, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony.

If you need easy-to-use HD video (you mention filming) at a decent level of quality and within budget I'd narrow that list down to Panasonic or Sony, and for me Panasonic has the edge over Sony when it comes to a balance of stills and video performance in the same camera.