Government Minister authorises destruction of Buzzards

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This is completely insane

'...From the end of this week, Britain's minister for wildlife is sending men to destroy the nests of wild buzzards by blasting them with shotguns. Believe it or not, from Friday, a project will begin to destroy buzzard nests in the interest of protecting pheasant shooting estates, which has been personally sanctioned by Richard Benyon, pictured, the minister responsible for wildlife protection at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)....'


(appologies if it's already been discussed but I've been out of the country)
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I just had to check my calendar... it's not April the 1st today... this is outrageous!
DISGUSTING......I am sure there is skulduggery afoot round my way as the Kestrels/Buzzards are a bit thin on the ground so far this season - hope it's because they are nesting etc and they show up with young later in the year.
I tackled a dodgy bloke in Feb who stated he and the farmer were "getting rid of vermin" but would not say what.
He tried to get me off the's got access but he did put a lock on the gate.I reported it to the Woodland Trust but they are so slow reacting.
I still access the place everyday but I think my efforts might have worked as I have not spotted him and the bins he kept amongst some trees have not been moved for ages.I did find a BIG breastbone with wings on near the bin area but cannot tie it down to him.

Sorry to go off topic.
I'm speechless with shock and anger. This defies belief especially as they are a protected species.

I see Benyon is a millionaire landowner and supports shooting - no conflict of interest there then? :bang:
Words fail me.
These people really don't live in the real world!

I'd be more worried about predation by foxes, mink, stoats, rats and the like.
The report also goes on to say:-

A report commissioned by the British Association for Shooting and Conservation said
only 1-2 per cent of poults (young pheasants) are taken by birds of prey.
in the interest of protecting pheasant shooting estates, which has been personally sanctioned by Richard Benyon

Richard Benyon's family owns Englefield Estate which has commercial pheasant shooting. Amazing how this bunch of Tories are intent on looking after their own interests at everybody and everything else's expense.

The buzzards are costing him (and his rich pals) money, so, legislate them out of existence.

They really are a disgusting lot.
I saw a long post on Facebook from someone on here the otherday about this. Basicly from what I can gather about this it does boil down to their pheasant shoots being affected. But as was said which I didn't realise the pheasant isn't a natural bird to the UK.

Spring watch is a good shout thou I might get on that now
Can't believe they are going ahead with this... "from Friday"...sick!!!!!!!!! :crying: Can they really ignore everyone else in this country? How is this right - politicians making a decision like this based on their own, personal SICK interests?!
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Thanks for the link - I've written to him directly and explained my views in polite but 100% unambiguous terms
Killing birds, so that there's, er, more birds to kill :(

Well ive go on the BBC springwatch Facebook page and they allow you to post anything on there before it gets modded so hopefully people will see it before it gets taken down no doubt
Very distressing and an absolutely despicable move by the supposed 'minister for wildlife,' as Cobra points out the article states the % taken by Buzzards is minute. It's disgusting the things Land Owners get away with. The Hen Harrier is on the verge of extinction in this country again due to persecution from gamekeepers endorsed by estate owners.

Please be aware that I know not all land owners are the same and a good number work tirelessly to create as good a habitat for the wildlife on their estate as they feasibly can.
Petition signed and email sent - absolutely crazy, reversal to the Dark Ages!
Speaking as both a photographer and a shooter I can see no need for this cull, the amount of chicks & birds taken by buzzards is tiny, whilst at the same time they provide essential vermin control by taking rabbits, rats and mice.
The following is from the DEFRA site -

It does appear better than the other stories I've heard but how do we make sure that only empty nests are destroyed? I also wonder what will be involved in "moving the birds elsewhere".

I really can't be bothered but threads like this have popped up all over the place usually heavily laced with an anti-tory, anti-toff, anti-shooting outrage as the main theme.
Only they are getting worked up at the tabloid version which is a bizarre parody of the reality as shown on the Defra link.

It's actually quite disturbing how all the simmering tribalism surfaces so easily.
They are both prone to hyperventilating on 'green' issues!
I wonder how long before fox hunting comes back (not that it really went away)
Totally disgusting that a minister for wildlife should support this, he should be sacked!
ever thought that the 'reality' in the DEFRA link was 'edited' by the boss?
Or sensationalist, campaigning jounalists with environmental columns to fill over-egged the story.
Which seems more likely .... :wave:
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In my opinion,anything the tories get involved in ends up being fiddled in some way or other ( the current Murdoch fiasco a prime example.)

Apparently Rich was born in Reading, the son of Sir William Benyon, (and great-great grandson of former Conservative Prime Minister Lord Salisbury), and was educated at nearby Bradfield College and the Royal Agricultural College.

Good to see another nasty Tory educated by the finest schools making it all the way to the academic heights of a farm school.

Might explain a few things. Nice but a bit dim springs to mind.

Do you reckon it was my email? :D

Thank goodness common sense has prevailed and this myopic plan has been abandoned.

Who cares if the buzzards take a few pheasants on the way?

The pheasants have only been bred for peasants to blow them apart with shotguns anyway.

Some are shot at such a close range by the sporting "shooters" they are cooked by the blast before they hit the ground anyway ;)

I get a lot of slugs eating my lettuces - where can I apply for a Government grant to help control them please?
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That's a relief :) a walk down the fields would't be the same without them
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I really can't be bothered but threads like this have popped up all over the place usually heavily laced with an anti-tory, anti-toff, anti-shooting outrage as the main theme.
Only they are getting worked up at the tabloid version which is a bizarre parody of the reality as shown on the Defra link.

It's actually quite disturbing how all the simmering tribalism surfaces so easily.

If you cant be really be bothered,why did you bothered :bonk::razz:
Well I'd love to think this u-turn will make a difference but I fear not. It's gone on for years in various states of disguise and will certainly continue to do so albeit out of the public eye.
Birds of prey are being killed all over the country either by shooting, poisoning, trapping or whatever method required to allow these inbred idiots to enjoy their "SPORT"
I really can't be bothered but threads like this have popped up all over the place usually heavily laced with an anti-tory, anti-toff, anti-shooting outrage as the main theme.

It's going to be really, really interesting reading your pro-tory, pro-toff, pro-shooting interpretation of this story.