grainy film wanted

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Could anyone recommend a really grainy film, please. I have tried ilford delta 3200 and found it to be surprisingly grain free, but I think the developer used makes a difference. ( I use Fotospeed) Any comments would be much appreciated.
3200 is pretty grainy in Rodinal.
HP5 pushed to 1600 came out grainy for me in ilfosol s

for really offensive grain, kodak HIE IR film shot as B/W (without IR filters) is the grainiest film I've ever seen without spesh processing

This is 3200, normal development in Ilfosol S, how grainy do you want ?
fuji neopan 1600 ,,( then push it a stop )
Practically any film can be made to produce grainy images - it's down the the rated ISO, development, solutions, dilutions, temperature etc...

The subject is extensive...there are as many opinions on the 'right' way to do it as there are photographers, so expect to be confused for a
Thankyou for the helpful replies. I don't know what direction I will take yet, but as I have another roll of ilford 3200 on order maybe I should just try a different way of processing it, or I might try tissue paper over the enlarger lens or something similar to create an abstract effect.
Zoom out and capture more than you need. Then enlarge the bit of the neg that you want you will then get large grain.
Kodak Tri x pushed to 3200 developed in HC110 ;)
In a similar vein to above, HP5+ pushed to 1600 or 3200 in rodinal should do the trick.