Great Tit

Nice detail and retained both the black and white well ... not always easy with these.
Very nice capture of my least favourite tit. My only nitpick would be the perch - it looks like it has been pruned Just my opinion>

controlled the blacks and whites well on this one but why leave the diagonal branch in the frame - I dont think it adds anything to the composition and easily cloned or with PS content aware

Thanks Stan :)
- unfortunately I don't have PS, and my cloning skills using Lightroom would not allow me to remove the diagonal branch without trace.

Nice shot Russ one gets adept at the two foot sidestep at these times:Dbut there isn't always time:(.

Nice shot russ I concur on the nits chopped stem and diag branch but still like the shot.

Sorry Russ I had to have a go just to compare:) Both me and Mrs Chuck Chuck like your original best.:clap::clap::clap: Done in affinity photo for windowsMick.jpg