Green Woody and a great tit, Bushy Park today.

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I disturbed this woody while blundering through the undergrowth in my usual fashion but he obligingly settled on another tree.
He should have chosen another one as the sun was in the wrong place and I blew out the upper breast and can't bring it back enough!

Caught this little chap on my way out of the park. Pretty gloomy in that part.
My mate stayed behind and got a nuthatch:bonk:
Two lovely images like the detail in the feathers on the back of the green woodpecker
Love both shots but I prefer No. 1. The sunlight on its chest and the bokeh makes it for me.
love them
Really nice shots, especially woody. I need to open my eyes when I am in Bushy park, all I ever see are parakeets and deer.
Great Green Woodpecker picture,you have done well to get so near,I see them regularly,but they are far too skittish to get anywhere close enough for a shot unfortunately,but one day....... lol