Grim light at Manchester so.... *added image*

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I've tried a little Tone Mapping on this shot..
C&C Most welcome..

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Oh Yeah!!! Great effect. You have really captured a fantastic image, bearing in mind the conditions. I love it! Carries so much detail!! Great! Maybe pop the brightness up a tiny bit, but I like it as it is!

Well done!
Was that taken today? Great shot btw especially like the hills partially snow covered in the background
Works well, Neil(y)

What's up, couldn't find any grey pointy ones? Thought you may have got some of the recent traffic through Tebay? :D
Nice images and great effect
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Excellent shot i really like this, where was it taken im intrigued at how you managed to get the hills in the background?
Cheers lev, I only live round the corner from the airport , but very rarely go to the viewing park, I'll normally go moss lane or joes feild.
Might pop in over the weekend. :)
Great images Neil... seems I work (in Manchester) with a guy you know from the Cad West/Mach Loop... Tony W...?