
And the dreaded apostrophe. "Kitten's for sale". Its as much as I can do from jumping out the car and rubbing out the apostrophe!! :razz:

People who don't include them where they're needed. Oh boy. That riles me!

I dunno wot the hell their teaching in school's these day's! ;)

The thing is, the apostrophe is such a common mistake and when used incorrectly can completely alter the meaning of a sentence - case in point "its" and "it's" (ie "it is"). Or "their", "they're" and "there". Also, because it's so common a mistake, you find yourself getting drawn in and making the similar mistakes yourself.
And the dreaded apostrophe. "Kitten's for sale". Its as much as I can do from jumping out the car and rubbing out the apostrophe!! :razz:

On the very day we were in Ely on our trip to the bookshop? We went past the Market - Lo and behold, the main hording of the wet fish bar.....

"Fresh Cod, Haddock and Crab's for Sale!" My mind verily boggled!

The bookshop sounds great, it's nice to be served by anyone with even basic good manners these days, let alone be offered coffee.

I agree. Even had sensible chamber music playing as well. That, I must admit is not to everyone's taste but, so much a change as the rubbish you get in some places.

George Bernard Shaw is going to be a mystery I reckon.... :shrug:
Re the apostrophe thing.....I remember years ago being told by a chap working on a veg stall on the market that they used to deliberately put apostrophes in words in the wrong place (or unecessarily) as it drew attention to the sign, and therefore to the product. Made sense then, but there wouldn't be much point in doing it now as most folk don't know where they go anyway!
LOL it would probably make sense to spell it correctly...that'd draw attention :LOL: